versus造句31. The battle was the venerable one of pure, formalist art versus art with a social function.
32. He could be expected, then, to toe the line when it came to military versus civilian decisions.
33. It is instructive at this point to return to the issue of national versus international economies of scale.
34. This month we explore the modern dilemma of marriage versus living together.
35. The advantages of long-term success versus short-term failure must be considered.
36. White sliced bread versus wholemeal bread is a simple example of this change at work.
37. The problem of Multilateral versus Multinational nuclear forces became another legacy bequeathed to the Wilson Government when it came to power.
38. It is not a matter of fund holders versus non fund holders.
39. Indeed, political activity at a variety of levels showed signs of breaking out of the loyalist versus republican deadlock.
40. Drug revelations aside, the claims of exuberant youth versus wily experience will be a central issue.
41. The case of the large organisation versus the tenant farmer is summarised below from a file of 63 letters, plus documents.
42. A unified Democratic party versus an ideologically split Republican party.
43. The living world is divided, fundamentally, into bacteria versus the rest.
44. Little is known of the fundamental aspects of the immunology of chronic infection versus acute infection in giardiasis.
45. More and more consultants were distinguishing between performance-only versus performance-and-change assignments.
46. There are no valid randomised comparative studies of surveillance versus treatment.
47. What the public and governments have to assess is the need for nuclear energy versus the risk of another Chernobyl-type accident.
48. In 1989, for example, most made no distinction between performance-only client challenges versus performance-and-change challenges.
49. How would a parental dividend affect the economic balance between investment in human capital versus investment in tangible capital?
50. On his way out of town, Steve Forbes was programmed to opine that the race has become him versus Dole.
51. These can be related to rates of magma production versus differentiation by crystal fractionation within crustal magma chambers.
52. Empirical social science has yet to provide clear answers to these questions about nature versus nurture and politics.
53. There is no easy solution to the education versus training argument in nursing.
54. The designation of lamb versus yearling mutton is based on the condition of the break between the foreleg and the feet.
55. The contrast of the fruity wine versus the spicy flavors of the dish enlivens the palate.
56. No distinction is made, for example, between active versus passive sentences.
57. Chapter 13 Democracy Versus the Market Democracy and capitalism have very different beliefs about the proper distribution of power.
58. The story revolves around the classic theme of love versus duty.
59. This supposedly reflects the different contexts in which they learn the linguistic skills - public debates versus private relationships.
60. To see the Tomlinson report as a question of London versus the rest would be a mistake and a missed opportunity.