infant造句61. If, however, you doubled secondary female education, you reduced infant death by an enormous 64 percent.
62. Primary schools consist mainly of: Infant schools - for children aged 5-7 years.
63. New York has substantially worse infant and neonatal mortality than London or Paris and some signs of worse problems of social deprivation.
64. In spite of this, however, differences in infant and adult mortality rates between social classes have widened.
65. A final factor that affects the number of children desired by developing world couples is infant mortality.
66. Ethnic differences in mortality from sudden infant death syndrome have been reported from several countries.
67. During the fieldwork period, sudden infant deaths received enormous publicity in the national media.
68. The infant girl was immediately named Margarett Williams Sargent for her paternal grandmother, who was eighty-three and ailing.
69. Finally, research on kittens and infant monkeys advanced far enough to show us some reasons.
70. At thirty to forty-five minutes, mouthing and lip-smacking movements begin,[http:///infant.html] and the infant begins to drool.
71. The risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome within groups were remarkably similar.
72. Toward the end of Period 1, an infant begins to distinguish between objects, a behavior not present at birth.
73. This, of course, assumes that these variables are causally related to sudden infant death syndrome and are independent.
74. The infant can feel at one with its care-taker because the caretaker identifies with the needs of the infant.
75. Although his mother died when he was an infant, he was adored by his prosperous father.
76. But in infant monkeys wearing an opaque contact lens, this changes.
77. Any infant protected by an amulet bearing the names of the angels would be immune from her attentions.
78. In total these four risk factors accounted for 89% of Maori and 79% of non-Maori sudden infant deaths.
79. The correlation between infant mortality and fertility has not been well documented.
80. The doctrine of original sin and baptismal regeneration meant that an unbaptised infant could not go to heaven.
81. The infant can not continue its own existence without dependence on others.
82. Setting - New Zealand. 485 infants who died of sudden infant death syndrome were compared with 1800 control infants.
83. In a region where infant mortality is high, the argument struck a responsive chord.
84. The infant formula brouhaha created a monster which may yet check and balance the dread corporation: the multinational pressure group.
85. But her daughter lined a huge laundry basket for the infant, and wherever she went, the basket went with her.
86. Few infant mammals grow as quickly as an elephant seal pup.
87. The baby never has colic, thrush, diaper rash, infant acne, or cradle cap.
88. This infant school was sometimes part of a junior school which catered for seven to eleven year olds.
89. We view skin-to-skin care as a major advance in helping parents develop a closer tie to their infant.
90. It does not require science to inform us that infants require infant care and children require child care.