infant造句91. These active reflexive behaviors allow the infant to construct his or her first differentiations within the environment.
92. Bristol is at the forefront of the fight against a number of childhood conditions, including cancer and sudden infant death.
93. The more lethargic, weak and ill the infant, the greater is the urgency and need for expert advice.
94. An infant illuminates the foreground so brightly that the background fades.
95. Your child's pre-school days and infant and junior school years are vital in his future development.
96. There is no evidence that the infant, behaving so, can differentiate between objects.
97. I must give you my personal assurances that this infant is receiving perfect care.
98. Prior to World War I, infant mortality rates in the workhouses were more than double the rate for the entire population.
99. And these patterns determine, at least inpart, the viability of the offspring, infant and childhood mortality conditions and maternal health.
100. Despite other examples around her and recommendations,[www.] Monica held her dolls and children as she had been held as an infant.
101. During Period 4, the infant shows clear signs of event anticipation.
102. Moreover, the high number of births in a family is offset by the high incidence of infant mortality.
103. Often official syllabuses and timetables reflect the influence and expertise of infant method specialists in ministries or from colleges of education.
104. At the same time, serious threats to the stability of the infant democracy also had to be confronted.
105. This paradox has prompted research on the potential contribution of varying infant care practices to the prevention of deaths from this syndrome.
106. The mechanisms which link low fetal and infant growth rates with disease in adult life are not defined.
107. She was cradling a baby in her dream, an infant with big brown eyes.
108. If the infant is critically ill, we talk with them at least twice a day.
109. The post-war concern about population decline and the high infant mortality rate contributed to the introduction of the Midwives Act 1902.
110. As a baby can explore the world and learn through its movements, so Infant explores its world and expands its capabilities.
111. This new behavior requires hand-mouth coordination, an ability that the infant does not have during the first month.
112. The decline of infant mortality makes it easier to accept the idea of smaller family size.
113. Health and infant mortality 7 Children under five How many live with both parents or in a one parent family?
114. In Britain two examples of cohort studies provide descriptive accounts of patterns of infant care in urban communities.
115. Dried whole milk is used mainly in infant feeding, but it can be reconstituted and used as fresh fluid milk.
116. In this way, the infant is not only learning to communicate with another person, but also to communicate about something.
117. Risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome were remarkably consistent for both Maori and non-Maori populations within New Zealand.
118. She had a wet nurse for the infant.
119. An oblong basket like bed for an infant.
120. The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps.