快好知 kuaihz

241) PCM is a important method used to convert an analog signal into a digital one. 242) Convert infix to postfix source code integrity, and can be used directly. 243) Depending on conditions, hydrogen fluoride may convert to hydrofluoric acid ( aqueous ) at varying concentrations. 244) This VHDL convert a hex number to seven segments codes. 245) He's a Catholic convert, and rather oppressively more papist than the Pope. 246) BPW 77 photo - dynatron and AD 620 meter amplifier are adopted in convert and amplify circuit. 247) This data model establishes a structure of product tree with flexible properties, includes a parameter driven rule representation, and combines the convert procedure of tree view from design to build. 248) I convert the crisp fat in Joe's breakfast bacon into fatty acids and glycerol. 249) This paper introduces a way to convert RS232 communication network into CAN communication network in order to support the establishment of a long-range communication network. 250) Unable to convert Multi Byte string to Wide Char String. The script could not be parsed. 251) Press Gang : Convert an unskilled captive to a pirate of rather inferior quality. 252) Application software will convert this flat screen into a halftone. 253) How much of the remittance do you want to convert into Japanese yen? 254) The sulfonamides are separated by C18 column, reacted with fluorescamine in post column reaction module, convert to molecules with fluorescence characteristic, quantified by fluorescence detector. 255) You will convert the carvone to its semicarbazone for use in a polarimetric analysis. 256) In this scenario, ill-written software itself intended to patch the Y2K glitch might go overboard and read an intentional 9999 end-of-file value as a date and convert it into an explicit 1999 date. 257) Authorities charged Jose Pimentel, a Dominican-born Muslim convert, with providing support for an act of terrorism, conspiracy and weapons charges. 258) Once inside the tumor cell, the compounds convert from inactive form into an active anti - cancer drug. 259) To convert your answers from degrees to regular clock time, divide by 360 and by 24. 260) Upon query time, DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows transforms the query to suit DB2 for z/OS and also convert the spatial data with the views along the way. 261) After garlic was pressed or fragmented, allinase in garlic will convert alliin to allicin and other volatile sulfur compounds, which are the main compositions of garlic oil. 262) We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him. 263) Explicit numeric conversion is used to convert any numeric type to any other numeric type, for which there is no implicit conversion, by using a cast expression. 264) Cellular respiration is the process cells use to convert the energy in the chemical bonds of nutrients to ATP energy. 265) Morphological analysis, the first step of machine translation, is basic for further analysis and convert. 266) Internal combustion engines convert the energy in gasoline's molecular bonds into motion. 267) You can convert this value easily to the equilibration time by dividing by the flow rate in milliliters per minute. 268) Solar cell can absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity. 269) A cup of mocha coffee may be the best way to convert people to coffee drinking. 270) TRPV1 can detect noxious stimulus and convert it into action potentials traveling to the central and forming pain sensation.