快好知 kuaihz

go with造句
151. Some of the finest melodies give little hint of the harmonies that go with them. 152. Many people whose work associates come and go with each project keep a circle of friends that changes very little. 153. Disputes about who's going to stop drinking and drive home don't help us go with the flow. 154. Almost like new roses themselves, chemical insecticides and fungicides come and go with remarkable rapidity. 155. She'd slipped her arm through his, urging him to go with her, a gleam of possession in her eyes. 156. Pascoe watched him. go with a feeling he was disgusted to find almost resembled affection. 157. But if you go with her, it means withdrawing from the fast track at Hopkins and entering a standard graduate curriculum. 158. So there are some linguistic correlates that go with these particular units as we would expect since this is a variation analysis. 159. And there are numerous sweet spreads to go with fruit and nut bagels. 160. I also like to make hats and accessories to go with the clothes. 161. Key Publishing, who produce FlyPast, added a sum of £500 to go with the prestigious trophy and the associated publicity. 162. The long granny nightie with frills at the wrists didn't really go with the amazing chequer-board hair. 163. She had a new sink and new bright yellow cabinets to go with them. 164. He was equally tolerant when it came to allowing buyers to choose colours that would go with their interior decoration. 165. We considered all the options and decided to go with John's original proposal. 166. Racism is not unique to Western culture - what matters is that at present the West has the power to go with it. 167. But in the end she agreed to go with the Pitts to the local police station to express concern about the absentees. 168. Pipkins was so enthusiastic that she persuaded 15 friends and colleagues to go with her. 169. The County of Ventura had us as a finalist, but decided to go with another plan. 170. Later on I heard him go with them to the dorm. 171. I've got a couple of guys who I always like to go with. 172. I'm not sure that those earrings will go with your dress. 173. They should accept the duties that go with being a member of the club. 174. If you can have a car phone, in theory you can have a Fax machine to go with it. 175. As such, he is the lightening rod for all criticism and suspicions that go with administering such difficult terrain. 176. Sable Island seems doomed to wash away, and this pale, pretty dune sparrow will go with it. 177. All he needs is an outboard motor to go with it. 178. These reports will then go with the pleadings and form part of the documents for use of the trial judge. 179. Dairy jobs to go About 400 jobs will go with the closure of two dairies, it was announced yesterday. 180. You probably go with a gang of friends to the same chalet every February.