for instance造句61 For instance: Ban all polystyrene, such as packing chips, meat trays and some egg boxes.
62 It is appropriate, for instance, to think about human-computer interactions as theater.
63 I mean, I don't object to sensible changes - saying chairwoman when it's appropriate, for instance.
64 In 1921, for instance night patrols made thirteen arrests for cattle stealing in the Southern and Western Provinces.
65 For instance, if the airspeed is too high and begins to reduce, this is your indication to start levelling.
66 For instance, he collects on his little card index all references in Wells to feeding, eating, and patent medicines.
67 Richard Branson's Virgin Records, for instance, grew and diversified, including a successful foray into cheap transatlantic flights.
68 For instance, the commonly-used coconut matting got muddy very quickly after a game and was hard to clean.
69 Shop, for instance, sells alcoholic beverages at three stores in the Bay State.
70 For instance, blue conveys a sense of calm and tranquility because we associate the colour with blue skies, calm water.
71 Mountain Dew -, for instance, contains 54 milligrams of caffeine per can.
72 We have, for instance, a jazz band and the more advanced patients do some very good playing.
73 For instance volunteer groups create external benefits by improving the appearance of the environment, through best-kept village competitions or reclaiming old canals.
74 This fear became a regrettable visitor on certain anniversaries, my birthday, for instance, or I should say ours.
75 If adopting the tiger style, for instance, the hands would be shaped like claws.
76 One tapestry, for instance, shows an Elf and a Dwarf in animated discussion.
77 For instance, the Expert can observe regular patterns of irregularities in the mains supply and anticipate them in future.
78 For instance, if environmental changes are capricious, the animal's migration viewed in isolation will also be capricious.
79 For instance, Piers's unforthcoming remark about avoiding love because he had once tasted it and it had left a bitter after-effect.
80 For instance, flying level on a heading, if you are checking height there is no need to refer to the airspeed.
81 For instance, she cited studies that had been extensively discredited methodologically as though they had not been.
82 The residue, a carbon-based char, can be used instead of activated carbon in, for instance, sewage works.
83 At dinner in the garden one evening, for instance, two perfectly ordinary businessmen suddenly burst into a Verdi duet.
84 Delta, for instance, is providing refund forms at ticket counters and through travel agents.
85 Companies may arrange such loans through a third party - for instance, through the relocation company.
86 Why, for instance, would two individuals want to form a legal marriage instead of simply cohabiting?
87 Of course, the coal industry faces real challenges - environmentally, for instance.
88 In some of these, for instance California and Wyoming, the material was apparently ignored by the aboriginal inhabitants.
89 Key figures, for instance, argued that devaluation would cripple Labour's chances of re-election.
90 At Bury, for instance, the abbey owned the whole site and could lay it out as it pleased.