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come home造句
61. G is for Garden I come home from school by myself now. 62. At about midnight, while we were still waiting for him to come home, we noticed the wind was getting stronger. 63. The parents of an art student who disappeared in the middle of his exams have made an emotional plea for him to come home. 64. When I come home she passes the baton to me so she can rest. 65. Like most mothers, I always feel anxious when my children come home late. 66. I would go to parties and come home, utterly disgusted with the time I felt I had wasted. 67. Then, Florence asked me to come home with her one night after work. 68. Norm was very busy these days, and often did not come home for dinner. 69. We're really glad that you kids could come home for Christmas. 70. Having someone wonder where you are when you don't come home at night is a very old human need.Margaret Mead 71. They had come home during the height of the disturbances to discover their teenage daughter being ravished by a young police officer. 72. A sharp note has come home informing me that the costume must be made by the child. 73. He used to come home drunk and beat my mother. 74. She would come home in tears and reduce my wife to tears. 75. But, for the over extended borrowers, the chickens have come home to roost. 76. We adults do the same: we come home from work and start complaining or picking a fight. 77. I take care of Chavez for Mr Vee and come home to stale tangled sheets. 78. She fell into the habit of feeding the boys early, and continued it even on nights when he did come home. 79. Usually I come home, eat dinner, watch a little TV, and then hit the sack by 9:30 or 10:00. 80. Now that her brothers had come home, Margarett made frequent visits to Boston. 81. He avoided telling her that he was seeing the doctor, in the hope that he'd come home cured. 82. I'd come home on the Saturday morning after playing golf with a few cronies. 83. He would come home drunk, get into a fight with Mom, and beat her up. 84. And when the children come home for vacation, we can simply fling open the doors and once again be a family. 85. Had he come home alive, some reporters would have no doubt trashed the trip as a taxpayer-paid junket. 86. I just go to a movie and come home, so whatever they do, they should stick to it. 87. For a local boy to come home, this is truly as good as it gets. 88. The story made headlines around the world and researchers believe it may have inspired the novel Lassie Come Home. 89. In it she asked him to come home, but she did not give a reason. 90. The children come home with news - some one's been sick, and so on - that you probably wouldn't hear about otherwise.