快好知 kuaihz

come home造句
121. One of the oldest human needs is having someone wonder where you are when you don't come home at night---Margaret Mead, American anthropologist. 122. But now -- she must find Dr. Meade and make him come home with her. 123. His mother make a fuss of him every time he come home. 124. " I shall come home early but drunk as a fiddler's bitch if I please. " 125. The girl got a work permit , and she can work here till the cows come home. 126. Then, he takes lunar look, bought face round lens to come home. 127. He would come home and swell around his town in his top hat. 128. We had to come home after only two days of our holiday short and sweet. 129. I shall come home early but drunk a fiddler's bitch if I please. 130. It is your daughter betroth only my thing, want to let me come home, discussed ability to decide with the wife. 131. After school is over, you come home straight off and don't waste time. 132. You might accidentally say something fatherly and make her come home. 133. I must just nip off to the shops before the children come home from school. 134. Stu: " Till the cows come home " is just an expression. 135. The day Crazy Jack Junior was scheduled to come home, we had a neighborhood softball game in our yard. 136. Despite vowing to come home to Chicago as often as possible, the Obamas spend most of their time in Washington and have chosen Camp David and Martha's Vineyard for recent vacations. 137. The capon burns, and the pig falls from the spit, and the meal will BE all cold if you do not come home. 138. Ah. So here's a question you don't need to ask: Why is Todd Brizendine in no hurry to come home? 139. A Ji is taking jar to come home give goodwife. 140. Don't croak any more, but come home jolly, there's a dear. 141. While many kids come home complaining about their "mean" teachers... one Texas student had a run-in with an overzealous school principal, and it left a bit of a "mark". 142. "Should I come home?" Wayne asked. He had just started the cross-town trip to Frances' preschool. "What do you want me to do about the kids?" 143. When he come home drink again , she read him the riot act. 144. At any time of the night, space monkeys from some slaughterhouse come home with bags of blood meal to boost the iron in the soil and bone meal to boost the phosphorus. 145. Mary can come home from any musical show and strum every tune on the piano. 146. She remembered the day he had come home and cheeked her father. 147. His mother always waits for him to come home at nights. 148. It's certain that my elder sister will come home before Christmas Eve this year. 149. He always scolds me, disrelish me study is bad, often also do not come home. 150. Some of them have come home for a few days's hard-earned leave.