快好知 kuaihz

come by造句
1 When rogues (or thieves) fall out, honest men come by their own. 2 Mischiefs come by the pound and go away by the ounce. 3 Cheap organic food is still difficult to come by. 4 Did you come by train? 5 Are you sure you can come by at nine? 6 How did you come by that scar on your forearm? 7 Raw materials and labour come by ship, rail or road. 8 Jobs were hard to come by . 9 We're finding reliable staff hard to come by . 10 Summer vacation will come by and by. 11 Come by for a drink after work. 12 They'll very likely come by car. 13 How did you come by these pictures? 14 He said he'd come by later. 15 Old postcards are fairly easily come by. 16 Jobs are hard to come by. 17 Permanent jobs are hard to come by . 18 Did you come by bicycle? 19 Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring. 20 Did you travel on foot or come by bus? 21 Come by on your way home from work. 22 I hope that money was honestly come by. 23 Come by to pick me up at your convenience. 24 Jobs are hard to come by these days. 25 Did you come by bike? 26 Tickets are hard to come by but I'll do my level best to get you one. 27 Come by the fire you must be chilled to the marrow! 28 Information about the company was not easy to come by. 29 If you come by the office tomorrow, I'll have it ready for you. 30 I'll come by this evening and pick up the books.