快好知 kuaihz

come by造句
31 Money that is easily come by is often easily spent. 32 How did you come by that scar on your cheek? 33 I'll come by the house and get my stuff later, OK? 34 How did you come by that wound in the forehead? 35 I moved my car out of the way so that the heavy lorry could come by. 36 How did you come by that cut on your hand? 37 I'll come by one day this week and we can have a chat. 38 Why don't you come by some afternoon and have coffee with me? 39 How did you come by that scratch on your cheek? 40 He found success hard to come by after losing his right-hand man. 41 Improvements in technology do not come by accident. 42 Real friends, are really hard to come by.Anthony Liccione 43 Improvement will come by degrees. 44 Jobs were difficult to come by anyway. 45 Figures of religious observance are harder to come by. 46 Jobs were hard to come by then. 47 People have come by the thousands to pay respects. 48 Change must come by negotiation, not by force. 49 Cash may be hard to come by from firms but time involvement may be much more forthcoming. 50 When the dustmen come by and the first market stalls are being erected in the early morning the place is still deserted. 51 And desire and dedication are easier to come by when the alternative is a one-way ticket back to the ghetto. 52 This must come by the delicate interaction of her own willed effort and the creative understanding which Hilton calls grace. 53 The reporters have dispersed, and the two of them actually look somewhat forlorn when I come by. 54 Death will come by lethal injection, rather than cyanide gas, since gassing has been challenged in California as unduly cruel. 55 A definitive agreement for shareholders to approve could come by Feb. 22 when Trafalgar House holds its annual meeting. 56 Voluntary assistance in preparing and auditing accounts could become hard to come by. 57 Yet, for a person with disabilities, money is much more difficult to come by. 58 The accepted standards of political morality differed from our own; evidence is hard to come by and difficult to interpret. 59 Nor do they care how you might have come by your possessions, off-planet. 60 Points were difficult to come by in the second-half war of attrition.