快好知 kuaihz

by the way造句
121. By the way, there is no bank, no bond, and no registry in this village. 122. By the way , will it be an evening performance or a matinee? 123. Good, thank you. By the way, is it possible to avoid transshipment for future deliveries? 124. By the way, can I use my electric shaver, computer or something like that? 125. Methods Disease variety in debridement was analysed by the way of observation record. 126. Yeah, I know. By the way, do you know how to properly break bread? 127. Results: DST, DSSL and DSBM can induce the specific tolerance by the way of portal vein infusion. 128. Shen Cong - wen accomplished the sneering at urban world by the way of ironic narration strategy. 129. By the way , R 8 is a variable resistor and R 2 can also be a variable resistor. 130. By the way, how often do you go to your dental hygienist? 131. Oh, by the way, the gas for this car is regular unleaded. 132. By the way, I miss Mom's Peking roast duck and spring roll very much! 133. By the way, is Fifth Avenue far from the park? 134. Very good use of the term flip - flop, by the way. 135. The Card view was inspired by the way one handles a deck of cards. 136. By the way , the sedan bearers say we can get to the school by this afternoon. " 137. Master Huang: By the way, when does the cloakroom close? 138. It's the place, here's your credential. By the way, U wanna know where is Bak? 139. So he went another way, and returned not by the way that he came to Bethel. 140. By the way , I miss Mom's eight - treasure rice pudding and spring roll very much! 141. Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: and salute no man by the way. 142. Western Agronomy is based on atomism and observes things by the way of experiment. 143. You could tell that the pool table wasn't level by the way the balls rolled. 144. By the way, sometimes they read comic strip in the newspaper after lunch. 145. By the way, may I see your vise and passport, please ? 146. A: By the way, when was the the exterminator was here? 147. By the way, how was that yearlong dig in Cairo? 148. Let me be honest with you - a feat which , by the way, I find of great difficulty. 149. By the way, I'm visiting the Chink once a week again. 150. By the way, is that a gash on your palm?