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by the way造句
91. Oh, by the way, um, I'm having open house tomorrow. 92. By the way the cup is closer to ITALY as to ENGLAND ( Athene ). 93. By the way, did we have an English class last Friday, Lily? 94. By the way, are you a cager or a captain? 95. By the way, how is your wife doing , Harrison? 96. And by the way, what time will we get to Salt Lake City? 97. By the way, i happened to obtain a new word: half brother. 98. By the way, it also makes a refueling stop at Chicago. 99. By the way, Mike, remember to fork over that one - hundred dollars you owe me before Dec. 100. By the way, the ways no gossiping, behind - stabbing, etc. 101. By the way, will you please give me in ones or fives? 102. B : Scotch and Soda , please. By the way, when does the show begin? 103. By the way, what kind of driving license do you have? 104. By the way, do you know each other? John Brown, Susan Smith. 105. Ms. By the way, do you have a restaurant serving Indonesian food? 106. And by the way, what time will we get to Canberra? 107. By the way, Aaron changed to be strength singer form idol singer! 108. By the way, is there a dressing table in the room? 109. By the way, how long will it take to reach Toronto? 110. P : By the way, there's another change I want to make, if it's okey with you. 111. By the way go easy with that money like a good young imbecile. 112. At 11:30 am . By the way also makes a refueling stop at Chicago. 113. By the way, Sergeant Chevalier sends you his kind regards./by the way.html 114. By the way where can I buy envelopes and letter paper? 115. The manoir aux Quat'seasons, by the way, is in Oxford , Britain, France's ancient rival. 116. By the way, I think you are more interested in synthetic fibber. 117. As for your payment term, by the way, be they down payment or unasked payment? 118. Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty - starting now. 119. By the way, I'm going to clean out all the old files by tomorrow. 120. By the way, the author abridged the above - mentioned story.