快好知 kuaihz

based on造句
61 The party's policy is based on five central planks. 62 This research is based on anecdote not fact. 63 The report is based on hard facts . 64 Action should be based on solid facts. 65 His economic predictions are based on some erroneous assumptions. 66 The charges were based on very flimsy evidence. 67 Some spirituals are based on syncopated rhythms. 68 Their decision was based on ignorance and prejudice. 69 The newspaper story is based on hard facts. 70 Most racial discrimination is based on ignorance. 71 Scientists made an interpretation based on the data available. 72 Payments are based on expected lifetime income. 73 The book is based on historical events. 74 The film is based on a real-life story. 75 His argument is based on fallacious reasoning. 76 The diet is based on counting calories. 77 The novel is based on his travels in India. 78 a movie based on a true story. 79 The whole approach is based on unquestioned assumptions. 80 They had based on Greenland at one time. 81 The plan was based on sound commercial logic. 82 Their calculations were based on a notional minimum wage. 83 The film is loosely based on the novel. 84 Taxation should be based on ability to pay. 85 Sales forecasts were based on past performance. 86 His latest movie is based on a fairy story. 87 Much of the novel is based on fact. 88 Our relationship is based on reciprocal respect. 89 His politics were based on loyal partisanship. 90 The squadron is based on a carrier.