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based on造句
211 The main industrial activity was also based on agriculture. 212 The following summary is based on her analysis. 213 Prices are based on 4 people sharing an apartment. 214 Communism is based on Marxism. 215 It's a true story, based on actual events. 216 Often, negative attitudes are based on misinformation. 217 Three decades later, free-thinker James Lovelock arrived at the same conclusions based on his telescopic analysis of other planets. 218 Discounts: Discounts are available based on volume orders or blanket purchase agreements./based on.html 219 As noted in chapter 4, its action program originally was based on pamphleteering and letter-writing to persuade anti-Semites of their error. 220 The socially acceptable reason is usually based on religious or moral beliefs. 221 The Medicare system is based on trust, so it is open to abuse. 222 Based on the information he had, the anti-aircraft commander on the ground ordered the chopper to shoot it down. 223 These brief, moving sermons were based on the readings for the first week of Advent. 224 Not all arguments against core group intervention are based on the fear of unintended consequences. 225 They are based on an assessment of relationships between different parts of the state apparatus. 226 All such activity is in the interests of both personal and national safety, but also is based on an economic argument. 227 Writing specifications based on the accepted and approved plans are an essential part of the designer's work. 228 Any decisions made about allocations are not value-free but are now based on the original assumptions about the weightings. 229 They argued that a new racism based on arguments about cultural difference had largely taken over the arenas of public debate. 230 Honesty makes better people and creates human relationships based on trust, integrity, righteousness and altruism.Dr T.P.Chia 231 A persuasive argument that democracy can and should be based on active and extensive participation by the citizenry. 232 No serious thinker can make a valid argument that to discriminate based on species is acceptable. 233 Practice leadership based on the courage to live the change you wish to bring about. 234 Prices based on 4 persons in an apartment with one twin bedroom or 6 persons in an apartment with two twin bedrooms. 235 Differentiators based on operational amplifiers do not suffer from drift. 236 It had magnificent vaults based on the conceptions of Imperial Rome and was one of the great abbeys of its age. 237 The consultants presented two alternatives, based on discussions at the last retreat. 238 He said he approved the rate changes nearly two years ago based on cost figures and estimates presented then. 239 Based on these two characteristics, differential spectrophotometry has been applied to the quantitation of uric acid. 240 It is based on personal computer architecture, and can be directly attached to the local network in a client-server architecture.