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back up造句
121. Mobile teams were created to back up the village outreach system, providing sterilization and IUDs. 122. All that is material to this case is what substantial evidence Frank has to back up his claim about Militant infiltration. 123. Then I lug the carboy back up the hill and set it down next to the cast-iron sink. 124. Don't forget to back up all the new files you create. 125. He pulled his trousers back up and buttoned his fly. 126. Jack walked back up to the landing and put his arm around his daughter. 127. I grabbed a bullhorn and yelled, in my most commanding flight attendant voice, for them to back up. 128. She'd even got Bert's back up proper, over his betting and poor old Floss. 129. Here, cars are reversing back up a slip road because the way ahead is blocked. 130. Never use the jammed rope as your sole support when climbing back up. 131. Mitchell swallowed some accidentally as he rinsed his mouth but forced it back up before the microbes could celebrate a new host. 132. The snow goose flew down low over the field and then soared back up gracefully. 133. Can you back up a few steps so that I can open the door? 134. The field then reverses and builds its strength back up in the opposite direction. 135. When you write a history essay,[www.] you should back up all your points with facts. 136. Remember all the goals scored from set pieces and corners the first season we came back up? 137. It will be hard for him to back up those claims now that they have been contemptuously dismissed by Dintilhac. 138. He pushed himself back up on to his feet again and started to stumble across the sand to the village. 139. He waited until she had closed the door then went back up, making as little noise as possible. 140. She turns and begins to wobble back up the aisle. 141. A chill suddenly struck her, as they left the Aston Martin and took the lift back up to Guy's penthouse apartment. 142. As the tide rose, water was forced back up the Westbury Brook and held back by the sluice gates. 143. Then I slipped over and did a leisurely backstroke back up the pool. 144. The Dragoons closest to the Prussians immediately turned and galloped back up the slope towards their comrades. 145. I trudged back up to the cabin and reluctantly went to bed. 146. At Eagle Butte I stopped and got a clamp, got the pipe back up there some way. 147. The miners scrambled back up the hill of the slanting deck and the ship steadied. 148. I went back up to my room and lay down on the bed. 149. Residue fell to the bottom of the sea, and lava later pushed the particles back up. 150. The research will involve theoretical development and both econometric work and back up case study analysis.