快好知 kuaihz

back up造句
151. She stood back up; the quotes fluttered with her motion, a flock of starlings. 152. She pulled herself back up the spiral staircase and made for the bathroom. 153. A long chairlift took us back up to the Col de la Madeleine, with its spectacular view up to Meribel. 154. Eric Gray charged back up the court before stopping short of the center line. 155. She pulled through the clutching shrubbery and skimmed back up the steps, realizing she was leaving footprints of damp earth. 156. He stepped outside, closed the doors, switched off the flashlight and walked back up the slope to the cottage. 157. He put the fake petunias back up on the wall, then went intO his room to get his wallet and keys. 158. At last, badly bruised and scratched, they were forced to haul themselves back up to their island prison. 159. My cries make Connie back up, until he is shouted back by Mr Barraza. 160. She pushed the headrest back up; she pulled the tassel..com 161. I leaned over and kissed the perfect skin covering such bone, such muscle, and pulled the cover back up. 162. I walk back up the steps and stand in the open doorway with the gun smoking by my side. 163. The second wild cat ran back up into the mountains. 164. Now drop left to avoid the guard, while climbing back up left and collecting a crate. 165. And, even relations such as these may not be enough to back up counterfactual claims like the one Poulantzas offers. 166. Behind and back up the fairway Andy was waiting for Des to play first from behind the cross bunkers. 167. You could see a mile or more back up into the canyon. 168. Are the changes enough to transform more non-believers into Corvette buyers and pump sales back up, as Chevrolet hopes? 169. Hit the bottom and get back up; or hit the bottle and stay down.Anthony Liccione 170. His condescending attitude really gets my back up. 171. Driving the price to buy back up? 172. To scroll back up, click on the up arrow. 173. I turned and started running nonchalantly back up court. 174. Back up file sequence error. 175. The tepid vodka bunced back up into her throat. 176. Depending on the situation, you may need to periodically back up INI files located as pointed in cmbcmenv.properties (default is /home/ibmcmadm/cmgmt/connectors). 177. Big institutions seeking to repay their government capital could add another $48.4 billion to that total in the near term, pushing resources back up to around $154.5 billion. 178. They also provide much more flexible back up than coal for renewable energy supplies which wax and wane with the sun and wind – a safer bet for the future? 179. In Philippians you get the famous hymn where Christ descends into the body and he suffers as a slave and is raised back up. 180. You need to back up your mail, messages, and records at an off-site facility.