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struggle for造句
61, It pledged to continue the struggle for democratic representation but appealed to its supporters to continue to exercise restraint. 62, The strategy developed by the revolutionary populists reflected the same mixture of heroic struggle for the peasantry's cause and utopian illusions. 63, It celebrates not a triumph over the struggle for existence, but a catastrophe. 64, Gandhi advocated nonviolence in India's struggle for freedom from British rule. 65, Further, the larger the system, the greater the struggle for power, influence and promotion. 66, Those with children have to make provision for those children while they are participating in a struggle for their own empowerment. 67, The results mean that several key councils could face a struggle for power. 68, The struggle for a free intelligence has always been a struggle between the ironic and the literal mind.Christopher Hitchens 69, Homosexuals will have to put their struggle for tolerance and against heterosexist norms and morals in an international perspective. 70, Companies located in Boutique Cities will struggle for the very best technicians. 71, If we cut up beasts simply because they cannot prevent us and because we are backing our own side in the struggle for existence, it is only logical to cut up imbeciles, criminals, enemies, or capitalists for the same reasons.C.S. Lewis 72, The Buccaneers, locked in a bitter struggle for a new stadium, could attempt to leave Tampa Bay after next season. 73, What made it difficult and then intolerable was a growing competition, a struggle for her affection between her parents. 74, The struggle for abortion rights was high on our agenda. 75, But apart from limited mineral resources and abundant meat, Kyrgyzstan will struggle for a long time. 76, Unlike so many victims of the armed struggle for the reunification of Ireland. 77, Then one day we stumbled into puberty and found that our adolescence coincided with the struggle for national independence. 78, In 1963 Kennedy moved to take a more positive role in the struggle for civil rights. 79, It was a great struggle for him and we all suffered because of it. 80, Some are relict populations of forms which, on the mainland, have long since succumbed in the struggle for survival. 81, A violent struggle for economic and political control can not be ruled out. 82, Linkage assumed that world politics revolved around the constant struggle for supremacy between the great powers. 83, The event is seen as integral to the poet's struggle for recognition. 84, The political clout of the primary education sector in the struggle for resources is clearly limited. 85, Who seeks to support and encourage midwives in their struggle for recognition as independent practitioners? 86, Both these facts point to the high priority of the struggle for civil liberties. 87, It is as much a product of the struggle for existence as are the black wings of the peppered moth. 88, They are making some progress in their struggle for equal rights. 89, Economies of scale are also a feature likely to be associated with the struggle for market share. 90, She was also a leader in the struggle for admission of women to fellowship in the London Chemical Society.