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struggle for造句
91, But, given the low base from which the Liberal Democrat party began its struggle for recognition, he has achieved a great deal. 92, This is made doubly difficult where there is a concurrent struggle for power among vested interest groups and individuals. 93, In a way, the presidential race is a sideshow to the real struggle for power in Washington. 94, Witness after witness recounted stories of vanished fortunes and the hopeless struggle for recognition of their rightful claims. 95, The struggle for existence is a term best used in a large and metaphorical sense. 96, For tensions between regional factions within the party have constantly subordinated a consensus on development policy to the struggle for power. 97, A struggle for existence inevitably follows from the high rate at which all organic beings tend to increase. 98, Certainly the struggle for overseas investment opportunities provoked tensions; and small colonial wars could yield large profits. 99, What happened that season turned out to be a story about the struggle for self-esteem, equity and respect. 100, State's tenacious struggle for prerogative multiplied his suspicions. 101, We should struggle for human rights and oppose hegemony. 102, Political contests become a struggle for total power. 103, There was a life-or-death struggle for a pair of African elephants when they were ambushed by a hungry Nile crocodile in Zambia's South Luangwa National Park this summer. 104, Twelve years after the death of Cesar Chavez, life remains a struggle for many farm workers. 105, And in fact, in countries such as Kenya and Zimbabwe, the struggle for democracy in the absence of modern party institutions has only helped reignite long-simmering ethnic grievances. 106, Once you take the first step, you are committed to a struggle for sobriety. 107, The players will no longer struggle for upgrade and pk. We provide lots of play methods in the game, adventure and life is the mainstream . 108, After finding the cause that you struggle for it, of course this target is to should have long-term potential and vendibility certainly. 109, John Brown gave his all in the struggle for freedom. 110, Moments later, man and beast were locked in a struggle for life and death, ended only when Tambun's wife, Han Besau, 55[http:///struggle for.html], ran out to batter the tiger with a soup ladle. 111, China's freshwater reserves are about one-fifth per capita those of the United States, notes Steve Solomon, author of Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power and Civilization. 112, Can struggle for these great causes, and gained arrogant person success, can make a brethren feel la-di-da , should get respectable. 113, We should exert ourselves in the struggle for the modernization of science and technology. 114, And within a dukedom, the struggle for power frequently occurred. 115, They cite long-standing inequalities, in income levels, in opportunities, especially for youth, and in access to social services as the root cause of the struggle for change. 116, For a long time the Ethiopian people have waged a glorious struggle for independence. 117, At the urgent point of the struggle for the national independence, James Monroe gave up civilian pursuits to join the army. 118, Always think a lot of money to spend, now or in the struggle for this goal, although grebe false loftiness. 119, Thereafter, the Sang Dynasty stopped the struggle for the kingship and never moved the capital again. 120, Yet, more than any other event, the salt march, exemplifying his tactic of non-violence, gave India's struggle for liberation its Gandhian stamp.