快好知 kuaihz

something of造句
61. There followed something of a fallow period professionally, until a job came up in the summer. 62. He used to be very right-wing, but he's undergone something of a conversion recently. 63. On Capitol Hill, senators today appear to view the matter as something of a tempest in a teapot. 64. My tutor's something of a polyglot - she speaks seven languages. 65. Molasses are mildly laxative and something of a general tonic. 66. A British businessman who can speak a foreign language is still something of a novelty. 67. My friend likes to stroll around the flea market on the chance of picking up something of value. 68. The economy has staged something of a revival in the last year. 69. The south coast of Spain has become something of a tourist ghetto. 70. She received something of a surprise when Robert said that he was coming to New York. 71. This year is something of a trial run for the new service. 73. Herbal "tea" is something of a misnomer because these drinks contain no tea at all. 74. I wanted to see something of life before I settled down. 75. Men who do the cooking are something of a rarity. 76. In the past, men who wanted to work with children were regarded as something of a curiosity. 77. The 1970s American model has become something of a collector's item. 78. As a player, he's experiencing something of an Indian summer. 79. My father lived long enough to see that I'd made something of myself. 80. He is something of a folk hero in these parts. 81. He was considered as something of a maverick in the publishing world. 82. As Dr Smith left he said that the inquiry was something of a red herring. 83. So trade between the two nations has been something of a one-way street, with Cuba deriving the benefit. 84. Adam is clever enough, but he's also something of an egomaniac. 85. In the police force he had the reputation of being something of a lone wolf. 86. Even today a man who stays at home to look after the children is regarded as something of an oddity. 87. The origin of the word is something of a puzzle. 88. It was something of a hollow victory - she won the case but lost all her savings in legal fees. 89. Did you say they're moving? I'd heard something of the kind myself. 90. Rosa was shocked by the news, although she had suspected something of the kind might happen.