快好知 kuaihz

something of造句
181. The sexiness of some pre-pubertal children can constitute something of a problem. 182. Such a prestigious credit was something of a mixed blessing. 183. After all the hype, the actual concert was something of an anticlimax. 184. Since Composite was otherwise restricted to fairgrounds, Diderot was telling us something of his opinion of politicians. 185. Sandra joined the Nicholson crowd in the B-movie circle and was to become something of a model for future long-term relationships. 186. He has always been something of a loner. restlessly exploring different avenues of improvisation. 187. The species is beautifully preserved, retaining something of its original lustre, and all the fine details of its ornament. 188. Wringe further argues that the picture of the active citizen heavily engaged in voluntary service is something of a contradiction. 189. As a preliminary to this, it is necessary to describe something of the historical background to interwar West Ham. 190. After the drama of Pye's water wall, this is all a bitter disappointment and something of a disgrace. 191. Thus, by their crystal structure, minerals can tell us something of the pressure conditions at their time of formation. 192. Major Tzann could not help regarding it as something of a personal affront, an act of mute insubordination. 193. Staying at home with the baby has been something of a mixed blessing for Pam. 194. Richard Holmes was something of an expert at the game, but he ended up as a down-and-out by the end. 195. All 181 aircraft were airborne within fifteen minutes, something of a record. 196. Though such rumours can not be proved, they are so endemic that they suggest something of the sort has been occurring. 197. Even so, he could see something of himself in her; that same hardness in the face of adversity. 198. New public art outside of the gallery is something of an oxymoron since ironically most art collections are public. 199. Hecke's new work has something of interest for both the casual and attentive viewer. 200. The state now provided something of a protective safety net from the cradle to the grave. 201. It is something of an enigma how a man who could not bear to hurt a living thing could serve as defence secretary. 202. If we could follow the slogan that says,"Turn off the TV and open a good book" we would do something of substance for a future generation.Gordon B. Hinckley 203. Something of an all-star outfit, each band member is an accomplished musician with an impressive r sum and enormous talent.