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round and round造句
1) The enemy's planes circled round and round above our heads. 2) The children were spinning round and round. 3) They joined hands and danced round and round. 4) She whirled the rope round and round . 5) Black Beauty went cantering round and round the ring. 6) He spun the revolving door round and round. 7) The log twiddled round and round in the river. 8) The plane flew round and round in wideloops. 9) My mind won't stop going round and round on the same subject and I seem to be getting nowhere. 10) The thought kept going round and round in her head. 11) You turn the screws round and round with a screwdriver. 12) Cowboys whirl their ropes round and round above their heads before throwing them. 13) The revolving sign was spinning round and round in the wind. 14) The goldfish swam round and round in their tiny bowls. 15) It all keeps going round and round in my head till I don't know where I am. 16) She chases him round and round. 17) It don't look too hard,[http:///round and round.html] driving round and round. 18) The water-mill goes round and round. 19) The cuckoo clock spun round and round. 20) Splintered wood and shoes swirling round and round. 21) Round and round for hours and hours. 22) His hand moved round and round, tracing the outline of a blue ring. 23) These matter rolled round and round my brain, like a thunderstorm, like clothes in a tumble-drier. 24) He waves his hand round and round to show the globe-encircling blue ring of cold material sinking into the earth. 25) A group of whirligig beetles span round and round on the surface of the water putting me in a daze. 26) You dance round and round in a circle until ... Well, everybody knows what happens in the end. 27) He stared at the washing machine, just watching the clothes go round and round . 28) We got on the Circle Line with a bag of sulphate and went round and round and got off at Liverpool Street. 29) She stared into the gray circle, watching the ball go round and round. 30) His greater strength over mine would have sent the boat turning round and round in circles.