快好知 kuaihz

round and round造句
31) Then I'd just go round and round looking down on things - you know, like from a plane. 32) The goat was chasing Mark round and round the field - it was so funny. 33) Wooden horses and kangaroos and chickens went round and round also, a few of them with children on their backs. 34) They joined hands, they twirled round and round and round. 35) Then he lashed his horses and round and round the walls of Troy he dragged all that was left of glorious Hector. 36) As it crawls round and round in circles it keeps revisiting the same pebbles. 37) Her fa-ther stood up, and the magpie, delighted, flew round and round with a marvelous clatter. 38) He walked round and round his small chamber, haranguing the walls. 39) Why do I keep walking round and round in circles? 40) The sun on its endless tour round and round the sky gives shadows and hues of infinite variety. 41) The wolf walked round and round the bushes, with his angry yellow eyes and his long black tongue. 42) It went round and round, down under the white water, and up again ... under the water, and up. 43) By some freak of the acoustics his name seemed to echo round and round the chamber. 44) He suddenly seized her under the armpits and swung her round and round, until she was breathless. 45) The poor beast flew round and round above my head in considerable distress. 46) But on the way back to town that phrase from Topaz's last note was going round and round in my mind. 47) My thoughts went round and round in circles, as I tried to grasp all the implications at once. 48) He taps the cigarette packet round and round on the table surface. 49) We went round and round for more than 45 minutes, each tree failing the test for one reason or another. 50) Figures went round and round in her head all the time now. 51) Fortune's wheel turns round and round, does it not? 52) The skater spun round and round on the ice. 53) The skater spun round and round. 54) In thinking about Hanna, going round and round in the same tracks week after week, one thought had split off, taken another direction, and finally produced its own conclusion. 55) Mission, operation, can let its hold on a circle round and round, one day turn ten? 56) Often her head seemed to turn round and round and sometimes she fell fainting. 57) Loie Fuller, after performing Fire Dance, was described as doing little more than turing round and round like an eggbeater. 58) The fallen leaves turn round and round in the wind. 59) The two rascals pretended to put on first one piece, and then another . they asked the poor emperor to stand before the mirror, and turn round and round to see how grand he looked. 60) Turning round and round in the small rooms, life seemed just one big grievance.