快好知 kuaihz

report on造句
91. A report on the extent and nature of the feedback was included in a second document circulated to all schools in 1980. 92. Voice over Hereford and Worcester Community Council helped draw up the damning report on village amenities. 93. The next issue will appear in June, instead of May, with a special report on the company's annual results included. 94. She was sent to Washington to report on the presidential elections. 95. The Department of Transport report on lead in petrol in July 1979 made a similar statement. 96. In our opinion the information given in the Directors' report on pages 11 to 13 is consistent with the financial statements. 97. I saw a report on cancer treatments on Thursday's edition of the local news. 98. In the classroom the groups are at work writing a summary report on the area. 99. We've had a report on an intruder on your premises. 100. Sharon wants that report on her desk first thing tomorrow. 101. The second was a report on restructuring the business in the run-up to privatisation. 102. This Review must include a report on the competition between different categories of alcoholic drink. 103. The Agriculture Department recently issued a report on world population. 104. A report on state television said all the victims were believed to have died from suffocation. 105. Control systems which monitor the organization's activities and report on them, eg production output, sales revenue etc. 2. 106. It's all there, easy to find, real, a doddle to report on. 107. We report on all the differing views which will produce the only comprehensive strategy for the advance to socialism. 108. A report on Sept. 27 claimed that opposition forces launched three attacks in Battambang on Sept. 22-23. 109. The committee's brief is to investigate and report on domestic violence in the region. 110. States are increasingly enacting laws imposing liability for failure to report on those mandated to file child abuse reports. 111. Councillor Eric Smith, chairman of the leisure services committee, said a report on the incident was being compiled. 112. Last week's story coincided with the report on race relations in Brixton prison. 113. As a public service, schools should provide each year a written report on each child's progress. 114. A long overdue report on Breckenridge where we spent a thoroughly enjoyable skiing holiday in April 1990. 115. We have already taken steps to implement the key recommendations of the Woolf report on the future of our prisons. 116. Then she would glance through the books she had bought, because she had to make a report on them. 117. Later this month, the General Accounting Office will circulate a draft of its new report on the derivatives market. 118. There was a report on the news about an escaped convict. 119. Anyway, I have good news to report on the health-care-reform front. 120. Michael Scott describes the practical proposals put forward in a new report on this contentious issue.