快好知 kuaihz

report on造句
1. Please give me a report on the theft. 2. The committee will report on its research next month. 3. They asked for a progress report on the project. 4. Please fill out a report on the theft. 5. They've sanitized my report on army atrocities. 6. Don't touch the report on my desk. 6. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 7. Martens gave a report on his sales trip to Korea. 8. It's encouraging to receive a favourable report on one's work. 9. Their report on the plans for nuclear war is a chilling document. 10. She had to write a report on the project. 11. May I clip out the report on my performance? 12. You can write up your report on the Mac. 13. The report on sexual discrimination at work shows that some of the worst offenders are women. 14. The MPs called for a full report on the nuclear contract. 15. The committee will publish their report on the health service in a few weeks. 16. I'll keep the original copy of your report on file. 17. The report on the accident exonerates the bus driver from any responsibility. 18. She's asked me to produce a report on the state of the project. 19. Your report on the new car park is fine, but why don't you beef it up a bit with some figures? 20. The report on our economic situation is full of doom and gloom. 21. When her ideas were rejected, she slapped her report on the table and stormed out of the meeting. 22. The report on the riot exposed a prison system stretched to breaking point. 23. The company put out a report on commercial spin-offs from its research. 24. Regular programming was preempted by a report on the war. 25. The government commissioned a report on the state of agriculture in the country. 26. The report on the hospital mentions such desiderata as a supply of clean laundry. 27. The Times sent her to Bangladesh to report on the floods. 28. I am to be sent to take part in the negotiations with the Japanese government and report on it later. 29. Following an on - site inspection, the surveyor prepared a written report on the property. 30. I've asked him to come back next week and report on his progress.