快好知 kuaihz

or rather造句
61, As he learned the craft, the penny finally dropped - or rather the ball. 62, Iyer is a hybrid being or rather, to use his wry term, a mongrel. 63, Two shows, or rather no-shows, in one week at the Club Congress have left some fans rankled and cranky. 64, But puberty, or rather the onset of menstruation, changed all that. 65, Cannes society, or rather its top echelons, was now flocking into the ballroom, and Rose's unease grew. 66, Many corpses, or rather fossils of corpses, were found by the excavators in the ash. 67, Some things are more genuine than others, or rather more firmly rooted in evidence. 68, What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate.Henry David Thoreau 69, He's our lead singer, or rather I should say he was. 70, Some such understanding, or rather incomprehension, blurred my sight, filled my head with the crashing of the blackest sea. 71, But this day had sent my spirits and my ego crashing back down to earth, or rather water. 72, I made a decision, or rather I hedged my bets. 73, I declined, or rather let lapse, both invitations. 74, She imputed the whole to the extravagance or rather ebullient of his passion. 75, Now however that you've come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly stoichea? 75,try its best to collect and create good sentences. 76, He had inherited an organization, or rather a congeries of organizations. 77, Or rather, it provides a mechanism for sanely resolving those conflicts so that neither user intervention nor locking become necessary. 78, Basically, when one talks about a customized bike – or rather a custom-built bike – one is talking about the frame. 79, Unlawfulness shouldn' t be one of the requirements of the common civil tort, or rather it should be absorbed by the requirement of fault. 80, Or rather, the shoplifter doesn 't even bother to try. 81, Mr Breton thinks countries – or rather their governments – should decide who runs large companies. 82, Is this an African view point or rather a Western viewpoint? 83, Americans, or rather Afro - Americans are good at jazz music. 84, it "proved," in the eyes of Charles Dickens Jr, "often the source of, or rather, perhaps, the means of spreading, serious epidemics of typhoid, diphtheria, and scarlatina. 85, Dick Thompson was shot night, or rather in the small hours. 86, The head of my bed was near the door, and I thought at first the goblin-laugher stood at my bedside – or rather, crouched by my pillow. 87, On a sudden she stepped, or rather bounded, with outstretched arms, towards the table. 88, The question is, then, how do we keep the balance of using system and Informix resources so that it won't harm or rather slow down the execution of non-PDQ queries? 89, I wish to teach, or rather, to inspire the bandsman by this score about my attitude, and method, as well as all necessary skills in creating it. 90, They drew a line in the sand —or rather, in this case, in the rugged terrain in the middle of the Korean peninsula —where the 38th parallel had been set down at Potsdam.