快好知 kuaihz

or rather造句
91, I do not know what tramps would do without tea, or rather the stuff they miscall tea. 92, His ( or rather, his wife's ) health - care scheme famously collapsed. 93, But a city block, or rather a map of a city block, like this would seem more comfortable to the eye. Our brains can process the information much quicker. 94, From then on, I am never up late; or rather I can't lie-in at all. 95, Pavan Sukhdev, a Deutsche Bank economist working with UNEP, is doing just that — or rather, as Sukhdev prefers to describe it, he's "rediscovering" some long-lost economic principles. 96, The origin of the Indian theatre or rather folk theatre and dramatics can be traced to religious ritualism of the Vedic Aryans. 97, He entertained him affably with news of the day or rather of ten days previous. 98, Or rather, a list of lists, given each contextual response will itself consist of four elements. 99, But whether that flexibility is intrinsic, or rather cultural, socialised or even emotionally led, remains a grey area. 100, I went to see Noah this morning, or rather tried to see him. 101, He drew, or rather dragged off , his ferocious helpmate. 102, Dick Thompson was shot last night, or rather in the small hours. 103, But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? 104, Now she was sitting in a lotus position behind her back in front of me, or rather the webcam. 105, Like many of his fellow , colonists Mr. Luce was a high or rather a deep conservative. 106, There was much tragicomedy in the contest between England's thought police on one hand, and the evasive powers of Tyndale, or rather his canny Dutch, German and English friends, on the other. 107, Cutover is a process of upgrading a products or rather software from release to release. 108, Graininess in photos, or rather the perception of excess grain, has been virtually eliminated from today's films — fast ones and slow ones. 109, There thousands of white-tailed deer live—or rather, used to live. 110, Taiwan, or rather are in Taipei, is the world's most abundant variety show production areas. 111, Mr Meles has made it clear he is seeking blood money—or rather carbon money—that would be quite separate from other aid to the continent. 112, Such was their childishness, or rather his, that he found it interesting to use the same bread-and-butter plate as herself, and to brush crumbs from her lips with his own.