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in consequence造句
31. In consequence, the level of the Party's blood sugar was low; their expectations none too high. 32. Much of it is unstructured and unmeasured, and in consequence overlooked and under-rated. 33. Hamilton, asked for his views, advocated continuing the struggle and, in consequence, was recalled on 15 October. 34. That stopped when three officers denounced it as illegal, and were suspended in consequence. 35. In consequence, agriculture and nature conservation are not in conflict in the Auvergne uplands. 36. In consequence, amphibian fossils become very scarce indeed in later geological periods and there are long gaps in their fossil history. 37. In consequence there has not been an opportunity for profitable market entry by efficient private companies. 38. Her view must in consequence be truer than his to the actualities of her time. 39. In consequence, Secretaries of State tended to look elsewhere within the Ministry and elsewhere for impartial advice. 40. Here, in consequence, is the source of perplexity and debate. 41. In consequence, untold numbers of sailors died when their destinations suddenly loomed out of the sea and took them by surprise. 42. In consequence, enclosure of arable was now creating more social problems than it could solve. 43. In consequence, they threw the holy man into the valley below. 44. In consequence, those defendants had their convictions quashed on appeal. 45. In consequence, thematic maps can be produced when required, as well as a more advanced three dimensional depiction of geological structure. 46. In consequence, between 20 and 80% of ovules are killed by pollinators and other insects. 47. In consequence, a gulf has opened between ecclesiastics and their congregations. 48. In consequence, these people also condemned the planners and the Council. 49. Public awareness of the value of applying these techniques to archaeology has increased in consequence. 50. In consequence of his success, mills using both stones and rollers were built in Britain from the 1860s. 51. In consequence, the only land-living creatures likely to be fossilised are those that happen to fall into water. 52. An example may, in consequence, be worth considering at some length. 53. Off-farm income was also limited, in consequence many farmers' sons left home to seek employment elsewhere. 54. In consequence some authors suggest that the conventionally applied log-normal probability law is not suitable for universal applications in grain size analysis. 55. She was disconsolate in consequence, and seemed to find time hanging heavily on her hands. 56. In consequence we must grow harder, more ruthless than we were in the days of ease. 57. In consequence, by mid-afternoon, exhaustion levelled her with a sledgehammer blow. 58. To point out the difference between their conceptions of class is, in consequence, simply to state a more fundamental problem. 59. In consequence, both share a central belief in displaying speech as evidence. 60. Commerce is paralysed in consequence of a severe earthquake.