快好知 kuaihz

61. The patient was transferred to another hospital. 62. Can you give me a date for another appointment? 63. There is another dimension you haven't mentioned. 64. Another complication was the excess of imports over exports. 65. That was quick! I thought you'd be another hour. 66. It's cold I need another blanket. 67. He tried his fortune in another city. 68. One country declared war on another. 69. That boy will be another Nelson. 70. He was just another faceless bureaucrat. 71. Please line up one after another. 72. This is another big headache for him. 73. People with invalid papers are deported to another country. 74. I got another of those calls yesterday. 75. Shall we broach another cask of wine? 76. Where will we find another man of his calibre? 77. Joe listened, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another. 78. I need another file for my letters. 79. The war could run on for another year yet. 80. We ordered another bottle of champagne. 81. His coaching has added another dimension to my game. 82. Would you like another bowl of rice? 83. I won't be finished for another hour. 84. The cuckoo lays her egg in another bird's nest. 85. Mary is talking of looking for another job. 86. One man's loss is another man's gain. 87. He looked like something from another planet! 88. He challenged me to play another tennis game. 89. She transferred her clothes from one room to another. 90. She tells one whopper after another.