快好知 kuaihz

for fear of造句
61. Even popular television war comedies were taken off the air, for fear of jarring too awkwardly with endless hours of Gulf coverage. 62. He took his typescript with him from the compartment for fear of its vanishing. 63. It would not be long before Paris was turning to them for fear of an even worse fate. 64. We spend far too little time on the packaging of change for fear of misleading people. 65. National blood pressure ran so high that the Herrera government dared not receive SlideIl in the capital for fear of a revolution. 66. A proposed programme of resettlement from the most overpopulated areas was shelved for fear of raising peasant expectations and unleashing dangerous mass migration. 67. He may not even drink water at night, for fear of swallowing insects possibly floating on the surface. 68. Companies had held back shutdowns for fear of helping competitors. 69. Some residents we spoke to were frightened to talk publicly for fear of reprisals. 70. She just completely lost her nerve and was too afraid to tell him for fear of rejection. 71. One of the commonest mistakes is attempting to cut with too much wire inside the papilla, partly for fear of displacing the wire. 72. He remembers when schools were schools were closed for fear of catastrophic bombing raids in wartime Edinburgh and classes were spread among private houses. 73. He will have to curb his natural candour, for fear of upsetting the markets. 74. For fear of some social stigma or psychological scarring, adopted children were routinely lied to about their beginnings. 75. And Victor Amadeus could not afford to antagonize them too deeply, for fear of their power as a class. 76. Even though they were alive, my parents were afraid to write to them for fear of further reprisals against them. 77. Many blacks and other minorities decline, for fear of government intrusion, to respond to written forms. 78. The woman, it seems, has cut eggs from her diet for fear of possible salmonella poisoning. 79. She constantly restrained her eating for fear of putting on weight. 80. She didn't tell anyone that she was pregnant for fear of disgracing her family. 81. And few are prepared to take this lobby on, for fear of being accused of racism themselves. 82. The commissioners said they denied Mr Stone's request to use this floor for fear of disrupting museum visitors. 83. Again I dared not pull too hard for fear of unravelling the raft. 84. At first, Lucien had watched them in awed fascination, hardly daring to practise any movements himself for fear of ridicule. 85. The College does not want to use security guards for fear of disrupting college life. 86. Perhaps Tatyana Nowak took her life for fear of the ignominy of exposure as a spy. 87. No one dared shoot for fear of hitting Pete. 88. They are intended to reduce bystanders' hesitation to assist, for fear of being sued or prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death," as Wikipedia puts it. 89. Computer scientists and software engineers avoided the term artificial intelligence for fear of being viewed as wild-eyed dreamers. 90. Not to neglect decency, or cleanliness, for fear of falling into Nastiness.