快好知 kuaihz

apart from造句
121. Work-inhibited students have not grown apart from their parents and become independent. 122. Apart from security, the report highlighted problems with Food and Hygiene, including cockroaches in the kitchen. 123. Apart from the risks to car drivers, passengers, and cyclists themselves however, pedestrian casualty figures are also alarming. 124. Apart from the low altitude bombing, the mission was considered routine. 125. Finally, apart from one small reference, the analysis never examines the relationship between collective protest and internal war. 126. Apart from that, however, I would broadly accept Mr. Munby's third and fourth propositions. 127. The outlet for this fortune, apart from an art collection which shames the San Diego Museum of Art, is his sailing. 128. I rang Joy and Alan, who came immediately and stayed, apart from a quick lunch break, all day. 129. Apart from the interest charges involved, the longer a defendant can spin out the negotiations the better. 130. Apart from the physical aspects, if premises are held on a lease there are legal implications, too. 131. We in Fontanellato were not afraid because we thought that apart from houses and farms we had nothing worth bombing. 132. Latimer is living apart from people, divorced even from religious faith by his visions, when Charles Meunier pays a visit. 133. Apart from her own breathing, the ticking of the bedside clock was the only sound. 134. No individual, apart from myself, is bigger than this club. 135. Apart from these, the other accessories available for the standard gauge models are not available for the fine and chunky gauges. 136. Any search for some one aggressive in the container business - apart from Sherwood - was bound to lead to Tiphook. 137. Great Groups tend to be islands of excellence that exist apart from their surroundings. 138. Apart from the final point, these were no different from the policies being advocated by the Liberals. 139. Apart from a dull ache in his leg, Larsen has completely recovered from the crash. 140. Light is set apart From the reality we both restored To one another. 141. Does the crust separate or pull apart from itself just under the dome? 142. Once again I would stress that neither my client nor I have made any approach to the company apart from this letter. 143. Everything bolted on to the bike is available separately, apart from the swingarm. 144. Apart from an uncle who played in a cabaret band, his family was non-musical. 145. The pageant was so big that they could keep far apart from each other without trying. 146. Apart from these, weigh all foods you eat when using the F-Plan calorie and fibre charts. 147. You will not be asked to remove any clothing apart from your shoes. 148. It was because, apart from sniffles, she was a blonde bombshell with a large bosom. 149. Apart from that, only a notebook covered in red cloth and a large brown envelope. 150. Apart from your loss of property, you then have the added problem of changing every lock in the house.