快好知 kuaihz

vote in造句
31. Without hesitation the General threw his casting vote in favour of the gallows. 32. In January 1989, the party captured a shocking 7.5 percent of the vote in West Berlin's municipal elections. 33. Some election supervisors simply threw it away, allowing ex - felons to vote in a few counties. 34. There was a 50-strong vote in favour of nuclear power, with 27 against and 11 abstentions. 35. On 15 April the government lost a confidence vote in parliament and Gaillard resigned. 36. The Senate's vote followed a comparably strong vote in the House of Representatives. 37. Pinochet and who hold the swing vote in the upper house. 38. Two recent polls showed he would draw more than 20 percent of the vote in a national election. 39. Women were given the right to vote in the early 1900s. 40. The Liberal Democrats had the highest share of the vote in several authorities where they have proven local government strength. 41. But on the basis of past experience, this will be a formality if the policyholders vote in favour. 42. The Chair has the casting vote in the case of a tie. 43. All adults enjoy the right to vote in free general elections that must be held at least every 5 years. 44. An elector in Britain has more opportunity to vote in local elections than in national ones. 45. From a rational choice perspective, you would be rather foolish to vote in a presidential election. 46. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor provided the key swing vote in both cases. 47. He cited examples of cities that allowed noncitizens to vote in municipal elections in Maryland and several other states. 48. Christie Whitman got 25 percent of the black vote in New Jersey. 49. Nearly 7, 000 full-timers are registered to vote in Texas' Polk County. 50. S.-brokered peace agreement in Bosnia as 2. 9 million people prepare to vote in national elections scheduled Saturday. 51. In 1918, women over 30 got the vote in Britain. 52. Only 29 percent of the 19. 5 million people old enough to vote in California participated. 53. Bennett said he used more stringent criteria to determine whether independents would actually vote in the primary. 54. All those with permanent residence in the republic are to be allowed to vote in a 10 December poll. 55. A subsequent vote in the Senate failed to achieve the two-thirds majority necessary to overturn a presidential veto. 56. Trust the people, but not to vote in a referendum on entry to the single currency. 57. Stopping the White House from selling weapons to a foreign country requires a majority vote in both houses of Congress. 58. Mr. Maples Any change in fiscal measures has to be agreed by unanimous vote in the Council of Ministers. 59. Before returning to Washington to await the returns, Dole cast his vote in his hometown of Russell, Kan. 60. Equally ironic was the fact that four years earlier Johnson had won the biggest percentage of the popular vote in modern history.