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vote in造句
91. New Zealand was the first country to enfranchise women. It gave them the vote in 1895. 92. President Andry Rajoelina cast his vote in Antananarivo and urged his countrymen to do the same. 93. Recently, citizens prepare to vote in a referendum on taxing espresso drinks. 94. But he says many members may vote in favor of it, because China has not taken enough measures to rein in the trade gap. 95. SANDRA ENDO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: One last cry to rally the troops. President Obama was on the campaign trail trying to get out the vote in Cleveland. 96. Vote in a new mayor; voted out their representative; vote down the amendment. 97. The presidentthe vote in defiance of Honduras'Supreme Court, which had declared the measure illegal. 98. Justice Blackmun had been the swing vote in League of Cities. 99. In 2002, two years after succeeding Bush, Perry won his first governor's race. Four years later, he won again, but with only thirty-nine per cent of the vote in a four-way race. 100. A peaceful vote in a relatively large African country would be aprize in itself. 101. However, the struggle to extend the vote in the first instance to all men lasted many years. Campaigning was hard-fought and gained momentum during the 19th century with the Chartist movement. 102. Union leaders had urged miners to vote in favour of an overtime ban. 103. African American men granted the right to vote in the District of Columbia. 104. He won 63 % of the vote in the Kenyan presidential election last Friday. 105. Founding MDC legal secretary, David Coltart, who was standing for the senate in Bulawayo, says he recorded 16, 000 people turned up to vote in a constituency of more than 40, 000 registered voters. 106. The President has a casting vote in the Management Committee. 107. On March 12, McCarthy got 42 percent of the vote in New Hampshire to 49 percent for LBJ. 108. Will you vote in the Legislative Council Election in 2004? 109. They may also vote in person or by proxy on a variety of corporate matters, including the most important matter of who should run the corporation. 110. Representative Bill Stancil took a lot of heat from the conservative pastors in his hometown of Fort Smith for his vote in favor of the revised criminal code. 111. A two thirds majority in parliamentary procedure requires at least two thirds of the entire membership (as two thirds of those present and voting) vote in favor. 112. An Australian ban on the research, known as therapeutic cloning or somatic cell nuclear transfer, was lifted in December 2006 after a rare conscience vote in the national parliament. 113. The Confederation of British Industry, an employers' body, wants the law changed to make it harder to strike, by requiring at least 40% of union members to vote in a strike ballot for it to be lawful. 114. Furthermore, Fred Gegare, a former Hoffa man, is also running against his longtime ally, which Ms Pope hopes will split the vote in her favour. 115. The Socialist candidate has captured eighty-five per cent of the vote in the three-way presidential race. 116. With luck the Sudanese vote in presidential and general elections—the first for many years in their war-torn nation. 117. Instead, you will be tried according to the rules of Swiss law -- even though you had no vote in the making of that law and have no legal representation in the Swiss government. 118. The 90-6 vote in the Senate was especially notable because all but a half-dozen Democrats opposed their own President, on that high-minded principle known as not-in-my-backyard. 119. In what must surely be one of the 81-year-old's final elections, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the party's fiery boss, grabbed a massive 20% of the vote in the PACA region. 120. Barak had just survived a no-confidence vote in the Knesset by only two votes.