make sense造句61. We need the models to make sense of structure, but we also need to examine how different dimensions of inequality interrelate.
62. Sitting down with a slip of graph paper and jotting down a few ideas will help, you make sense of your thoughts.
63. Evelyn stretched out on her back and stared into the dark, trying to make sense of the day's events.
64. Judged on these grounds, the new proposals from the Basle Committee seem to make sense. Why bother?
65. We have at long last entered a world which does begin to make sense.
66. That's what Heaven is. You get to make sense of your yesterdays.Mitch Albom
67. This, in turn, allows the subject to make sense of a broader range of sensations.
68. The police were suspicious of Simpson because his story did not quite make sense.
69. They were arriving in their World Humanities class unable to make sense of a literary text.
70. Who was supposed to read these sentences and make sense out of them?
71. It may not make sense to rebuild the houses damaged by the floods.
72. It is not easy to make sense of the maze of facts and figures concerning the settlements.
73. We are committed to giving our viewers and listeners context - to give them the where-with-all to make sense of the world.
74. She received random bits of memory, tried them in different patterns, hoping to make sense.
75. The sceptical argument therefore claims that you can not make sense of the idea of a subject of experience other than yourself.
76. So it might make sense to pay off part of her mortgage.
77. The child can be seen as constructing knowledge at a primitive level, trying to make sense of the surrounding world.
78. But it does make sense to paint floors last thing at night, giving the paint a chance to dry overnight.
79. I sometimes listened in when the two of them talked, but I could never make sense of what they were saying.
80. We grapple with the moment, trying to make sense from polyglot tradition.
81. No wonder the new managers found it difficult to make sense of and define their new role.
82. A streetlight beside an elementary school shed just enough light to let me make sense out of the map.
83. He must now somehow make sense of the anti-democratic whirlwind that he was mainly responsible for sowing.
84. It does make sense that the lateral line would be adversely affected by prolonged exposure to unusually high voltage.
85. It does not make sense to squander important resources that the nation can ill afford to lose.
86. Both writing and speech require context to make sense of what might formally be ambiguous.
87. That night I sat with my neighbour trying to make sense out of what had happened.
88. There are parts of the plan that simply don't make sense.
89. It does not make sense to restrict valuable opportunities due to poor performance in school.
90. The treatments may have a flourish, but they make sense.