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look back造句
91. And when I look back on it, none of the kids had done anything out of the ordinary. 92. When I look back over the years I see impatience as the great sin of life. 93. Now, when life is so precious, I can look back on that period with shocked amazement. 94. She did not look back to the gate, but only forward, toward the peeling sycamores. 95. When we look back over our lives we can see countless illustrations of this fact. 96. All in all, a nostalgic look back at London Airport at a time when airliners had their own individual characters. 97. Look back intelligently and analytically peruse TV history. 98. We shall never look back. 99. Now look back at each tag's scope attribute. 100. If awry, you can look back through your logs. 101. grown-ups often look back to the old days. 102. I look back at every step get right where I am now. 103. Suddenly feel something is so precious, too precious a look back at you, they ran into the softest corner of that will give you instant epiphora Man Kuang. 104. With a cautious look back at the reassuringly immobile tableau, he slipped through. 105. If you look back in time, comedy was always insensitive to people of color because our country, and comedy, was dominated by whites. 106. They will soon glide by, and it will seem an astonishingly short time to look back upon when they are past. 107. Take a look back at the actress'big screen as a heat - packing vixen. 108. Put your plan on paper so you can look back on future and celebrate your well-earned success. 109. They like to look back on those unforgettable years in the army. 110. If you look back in evolution to say, the sea slug Aplysia, you see that the building blocks of this brain have not changed. 111. And investors may look back on the bull run of 2009-10—or 2009-11—with the sort of wonder that humanity has too often reserved for the yellow metal itself. 112. We may look back years later and realize that DAMA and CDMSII did make true detections, but at the present moment, there is not enough evidence to definitively say we have WIMPs. 113. The eras of manhood that we look back to nostalgically as models of "when men were men" – I'm thinking, for example, of the Mad Men era – were times of stunning conformity. 114. I look away from you, sometimes . Then look back. 115. In fact when I look back on my thirty-eight years in the auto industry, the day I remember most vividly has nothing at all to do with new cars and promotions and profits. 116. Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you. ---------Satchel paige. 117. Nineteen ninety - two is not a year I shall look back on with undiluted pleasure. 118. Come about the software the next generation of gaming and you'll never look back. 119. They say that life is short to those who look back perhaps it is. 120. We may come to look back on 2009 as a vintage year for environmentally themed movies and documentaries.