快好知 kuaihz

get at造句
31. Researchers are trying to get at the same information through an indirect route. 32. We want to get at the truth. Who killed him? And why? 33. Under the terms of the trust he receives interest on the money, but he cannot get at the money itself. 34. We had to move the washing machine out to get at the wiring behind it. 35. You have to strip away the affected manners and speech to get at the real man underneath. 36. We'll have to dig quite deep to get at the roots. 37. The job won't take long to do when we once get at it. 38. They use him to get at me. 39. They tore the fence down to get at us. 40. These issues are extremely difficult to get at, however. 41. How does one get at the identities of and relationships between disciplines in the actual curriculum? 42. From your current vantage point, you are well positioned to see how alcohol can get at these pain fibers. 43. Discipline yourself to dig deep and get at facts which can be substantiated. 44. More like a bulletproof tank, some one else said; it would take an anti-tank missile to get at him. 45. Now for the first time the ferret can progress beyond the rabbit and get at its head. 46. It's funny how emotional we get at the turn of a personal decade. 47. Now she placed the obstacle of her nose between Anwar and Changez so that neither could get at the other. 48. To qualify for the ballot, Perot and Lamm each had to get at least 10 percent of the votes cast. 49. They might get at least some credit if they were seen to be laying better long-term foundations for the economy. 50. It's in the larder, so the cats don't get at it. 51. Mr Tuckett thought it was all to get at him, but Billy was very sincere about it. 52. But it said that to get at the root of the problem the Government had to tackle the whole issue of deprivation. 53. It didn't knock her unconscious, but at least it quietened her enough to let me get at Jules. 54. You're preaching to the converted in us, but you've got to get at everyone else. 55. You should get at least one email address thrown in by your Internet Provider with your access account. 56. Frustrated educators search for dramatic new ways to get at one root of the problem: language skills. 57. Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems? 58. Consuelo had taken them out to get at the anti-inflammatory tablets for the patient with the sprained ankle. 59. It is much more difficult to get at property profits than at share profits - everyone has to live somewhere. 60. Biotechnology spending has been more diffuse but it will get at least £100 million a year in government spending.