快好知 kuaihz

get at造句
61. I was trying to get at least enough money for the precinct work. 62. Yet the books written by McNab and Ryan were cleared by the MoD before publication, so why get at Coburn? 63. I squatted down and hastily rinsed the bits I could get at, ending up with saturated clothes but mostly dry skin. 64. Even if I was paid twice what I get at the cafe, I still wouldn't bloody stick at home all day. 65. The Centre is open throughout the year, to ensure that homeless people can get at least one hot, nourishing meal a day. 66. Only by smashing the tortoise, could the bird get at its succulent flesh. 67. It was an old thing with spikes and flaps which you could lift up and down to get at the mechanics. 68. No, the way to get at it is to work from whatever background has fired your imagination. 69. Jake's home-made burgers beat anything you can get at fast-food restaurants. 70. The squirrel did not chew bark to get at sap or something else. 71. Some are very inaccessible and he has to wade through thick mud to get at them. 72. It exposes the reproductive parts of the flowers, thereby allowing pollinating insects to get at them. 73. Our questions seek to get at communications behavior as well as feelings about political communication. 74. What salary do you get at your present position? 75. If Birkin could get at the secrets, let him. 76. I can't get at the book on the shelf. 77. If you can get at least one into a kiting rotation (which would be the one you're assisting down), you can probably win. 78. To get at the fruit, you pare Off the rather thick peel with a sharp knife. 79. To get at the real data, you need to call either Node.attribute() or Node.text(). 80. Now, the only I can do is, I'm trying to get at molality here. 81. The better I get at filtering and managing my email, the more convinced I am that email overload may be an intractable problem. 82. Seeing the spreading bafflement on the Brown' faces, he adds 'It's his philosophical position and beliefs I'm trying to get at here. 83. It's hard to get at the spark plug without a proper wrench. 84. From his design ichnography can see, the language comes from his form to draw at the surrealism mostly, also get at the same time the influence of cubism. 85. The kernel then mounts this initrd as part of the two-stage boot process to load the modules to make the real file systems available and get at the real root file system. 86. "For long-term stability, you need to get at the safe havens, and the sooner the better, " a senior defense official said. 87. The Asian longhorned beetle is one such insect that attacks healthy trees and bores through the hard wood to get at the succulent energy-rich matter inside. 88. Kyanite will assist initiates in lifting the veils of illusion that surround oneself and others to get at the truth of the patterning, karma or dance underneath. 89. Late in the season, the orangutans eat only the red arils, deploying the same technique to get at them without injury. 90. Only just let me get at him!'muttered Toad, grinding his teeth.