快好知 kuaihz

follow up造句
61. Until the results of long term follow up are available the ability of our creatine kinase assay to detect Becker cases remains uncertain. 62. Maybe he should follow up Lenny Campion's suggestion, have his eyes tested for strain. 63. I hope you will follow up your cycling experience by campaigning for real improvements for this most environmentally friendly form of transport. 64. Baseline differences were allowed for in the follow up analyses by examining changes from baseline. 65. A complete remission has been achieved; follow up was uneventful until current admission. 66. The purpose of this paper is to use published information to follow up these lines. 67. Intestinal resection was performed in 36 patients during the period of follow up. 68. Design - Non-randomised cohort study with follow up of subjects for up to 23 years. 69. This was unexpected and requires confirmation by continued follow up and other studies now in progress. 70. Extended follow up is needed to evaluate the longterm results. 71. Twenty six patients were given follow up appointments, either to assess treatment or to give the results of histological examination. 72. At the first, two week follow up appointment, endoscopy to assess ulcer healing was obligatory. 73. During follow up of the 228 children six were excluded because they moved out of the area or because of poor attendance. 74. The only problem was convincing them they couldn't follow up with a New Year's knees-up a week later. 75. Some are generated automatically, eg retirement date and follow up interview dates. 76. Many hoped to achieve a reduction in numbers of follow up appointments. 77. However, most authors agree that it is impractical and expensive to follow up all pernicious anaemia patients. 78. Inevitably, follow up appointments were given to some extent on a subjective basis according to the laser endoscopist's previous experience. 79. Smoking was reported by 260 women. inseminations and follow up Intracervical inseminations were applied in subsequent menstrual cycles. 80. Procedures after the discovery of these tumours have varied from mere follow up to radical gastrectomy. 81. Cost-benefit for performing cardiac transplantation on such seriously ill patients may be looked at more objectively when follow up is longer. 82. Reproducible kinetic parameters such as these might be useful in planning follow up of patients with adenomatous polyps after polypectomy. 83. No other cause for anaemia was found and anaemia did not recur during follow up. 84. After nine months as people were getting accustomed to feeling well, they were less compliant with their follow up data. 85. There's no guarantee that whoever sent it won't follow up those written threats with actual physical violence. 86. Follow up audit findings and remediation. 87. Follow up and monitor the production process and procedure. 88. Follow up account receivable in accorandce with project process. 89. Follow up all activities as needed by production manager. 90. Fulfill sales budget, follow up payment status.