快好知 kuaihz

come across造句
61. He had come across rooms with hammers hammered into the walls, screwdrivers screwed into the floor and saws sawed in half. 62. If you come across a page you know will prove useful as you continue making your plans, print it out. 63. When students come across it they assume it is some sort of technical language. 64. Then, too, the forger will not find it easy to come across the right paper. 65. Whenever I come across it now, I think of the huge commercial gain awaiting the person who can provide it. 66. So the insects must have come across by sea, on rafts or ships carrying visitors from the Old World. 67. Our consultant scientist-a man well hardened to criminal inventions!-declares it quite the strangest thing he has come across. 68. Advanced Hooray Most Hoorays you are likely to come across will have been educated at a public school. 68.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 69. Previously she had come across as a driven, almost obsessed athlete, ever pushed by her father to strive for perfection. 70. We come across isolated pieces of information and set out to link them up. 71. There are three types of plate margin, two of which we have already come across. 72. He'd come across for a coffee, wish me all the best. 73. Karin went down with a group of 20 divers expecting to come across the usual remnants from ships like portholes and anchors. 74. About as pleasant to come across as a nest of vipers. 75. In addition, the employer mentioned that Katie's enthusiasm for the job had not come across in her covering letter. 76. He said he had never come across a clearer, more perfect case, with so many vital details so well remembered. 77. He does not come across as a visionary on the campaign trail because he has never been one. 78. The only types of insurance that I have come across are for horse owners wishing to obtain insurance for their own horse. 79. Act 2, Scene 4 Comment Isabella can very easily come across as a prig. 80. I emphasize that I have no wish to come across here as the skunk at the process improvement garden party. 81. One day I open an envelope and discover the most articulate Tonelli I have ever come across in my life. 82. In the fluctuating combination and recombination of groups, old friends and old antagonists come across one another in shifting social contexts. 83. In the past I have come across complaints from editors that they have received old material. 84. I don't think I've ever come across anything quite so refined as Lil. 85. Also, should some one come across me, they would remember how the De Belving coffers have assisted Salamanca in its affliction. 86. You may come across central venous pressure lines on a general surgical ward. 87. They include frequent recommendations of new books he had found, and much comment on painters he had come across. 88. Read your story through carefully; each time you come across a transferable skill write it in the margin at the right. 89. If I come across a mistake, I fix it right then and there. 90. In the mixed hardwood forest, I come across a number of hairy and downy woodpeckers.