come across造句151. I had also once come across a phrase about a book "lying like a poleaxed wildebeest in the middle of my life.
152. But you will come across that if you do any literary study of the Bible in English literature and the European context and that sort of thing.
153. When you come across a logotype that uses a handwritten script, what qualities do you see?
154. There are beats, there is feedback; its droning waves of sound come across like Neu!
155. You can see the lace if you look close, but it doesn't come across on camera.
156. Whether it's proven or not, I believe that it can do no harm and I am yet to come across any fatalities from wheatgrass side effects.
157. I'm an active user of Delicious. I probably bookmark several items each day as I come across them.
159. If you come across as a know-it-all (even if you really do know it all!), it really pushes people away.
160. The many articles we've come across criticizing Stalin's mistakes say little or nothing on this score.
161. As a group, Britain's Muslims come across as more disaffected than their co - religionists elsewhere.
162. On Roebuck Bay I come across a statue of a pregnant Aborigine woman, her armsdesperately rising out of a wave with a pearl shell in her hand.
163. This doesn't come across even in Tolstoy or Hemingway or Remarque.
164. On other Web sites, such as Nasty Nets, Supercentral and Yahoo's bookmarking service, artists link to videos, photos and other digital ephemera they've come across.
165. Who are shown in video, have deep love for sports. When sports come across conditioned reflex, Our life will be changed.
166. I have not come across much of golden pollen in her lotus bank, but have nothing to complain of as regards the profusion of the sweet savour of good-fellowship.
167. Not yet. But they're having a clearance sale. Maybe we can come across some real bargains.
168. Mortgage Deed and Guarantee are two legal documents that are most often used and therefore what people expect to come across on a daily basis.
169. The cheetah cubs have gone out hunting without their mother, and have come across a herd of gemsbok. And the hunt is on.
170. Sometimes it's inenarrable. you would come across such a time when you want to call somebody, but finally you stop, why?
171. If you come across an instance where you need to use regular expression functions, then you will likely have to create user-defined functions to handle your requirement.
172. The Petroleum Jelly Trap: This method is more practical if you only come across a cockroach once or twice a week, and if you're dealing with a small colony somewhere around your house.
173. Do you think you could come across and have a look at our kitchen sink?
174. These rules are contained in the most curious management document I have ever come across.
175. During our trip we had come across small amounts of cotton grass along the roads, but I never expected to see such a huge field of it.
176. You're moping around campus in your I've-given-up sweatpants and eating crappy comfort food when you come across a flyer seeking people who are still pining for their exes.
177. If you've had any experience with Winsock or BSD Sockets, you've probably come across the function accept.
178. I actually enjoyed Robert Wade's disinterment of 'proletarianization'- a word one doesn't come across much anymore.
179. She also says activists have come across dead dolphins and turtles in the gulf coast state of Campeche, where Pemex uses seismic pulses to explore for oil.
180. If you've studied electrical engineering, you've doubtless come across "natural" oscillator circuits like the Hartley or Colpitts oscillators.