surprising造句151 Actually, it is rather surprising that the labour cost hasn't gone up more, especially in view of the national rates.
152 Under such circumstances it is not surprising to see that the commercial sector can not compete.
153 But this is a play which combines surface brilliance with a surprising depth of feeling.
154 That the media should be beguiled by McCain is not surprising.
155 It is hardly surprising that real wages rose less rapidly than productivity and hence that profitability and competitiveness improved.
156 It is surprising, therefore, how seldom armies joined in pitched battle in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
157 Yet making the effort can have surprising practical as well as social and intellectual benefits.
158 With Bertelsmann involved, it is not surprising that book clubs as well as electronics and book stores are being targeted as distribution channels.
159 Not surprising in that it no longer possessed vocal cords.
160 Most surprising is that such force gets evoked in such brevity of prose.
161 This is not surprising, if both reflect memories of an actual event in the same general area.
162 But the most surprising fact about this is that all these events took place during the deposition of a single graptolite zone.
163 That Darwin's ideas could have such manifold influence throughout the entire structure of modern biological theory should not now be surprising.
164 In this environment it is perhaps surprising that the early factories should have received such hostile criticism.
165 The standing committee's choice of legal experts to draw up the constitution, adopted unanimously by the assembly, was surprising.
166 In view of these possible sources of error it is surprising that extrapolated profiles ever yield results of any value.
167 Secondly, the deciduous woodland that eventually takes over has a rather surprising composition.
168 Perhaps the most surprising absentee from most general discussions of colour is its use in the visual arts.
169 Dots mime everything they want to convey, with surprising success.
170 These distortions are the very essence of prejudice, and it is hardly surprising that conflict with Peter had arisen.
171 Is it surprising that he should die a natural death from a heart attack?
172 It is a mistake to regard age as a downhill grade toward dissolution. The reverse is true. As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides.George Sand
173 He was a keeper and dealer in secrets; it's not surprising the truth about him has emerged only slowly.
174 The absence of reference to a division of the southern province, therefore, is not altogether surprising.
175 A surprising chaff inch flew down to peck at our crumbs.
176 It is perhaps not surprising that authors such as those cited above should couch their explanations largely in terms of pharmacological developments.
177 It's hardly surprising that we should be deeply suspicious of any attempt to deal with a subject as charged as rape.
178 That they have ideological allies among Republican congressmen is not surprising.
179 It should be surprising but liberating: and undermine the other ads in the commercial break.
180 It is surprising that no crowd reaction to the miracle is given.