assign造句(181) I suspect, then, that the account and the passbook are the same thing; all that the Account does is assign some identifying information to the transaction record.
(182) The undersigned shareholders agree that they will not sell, assign, transfer, or otherwise dispose of the shares of stock owned by any of them.
(183) In case one party desires to sell or assign all part of his investment subscribed, the other party shall have the preemptive right.
(184) When you update the inventory, the PARTS_NUMBER column needs to assign a PART_NUMBER automatically.
(185) In this code sample, the first line creates a lambda expression and does the magic to assign it to a callable delegate f, and the second line invokes f and returns 20.
(186) You assign permission to Web object by setting the object's access control list ( ACL ).
(187) To assign different animation clip to every particles, inside the Instance menu set up opportunely the Object Index attribute.
(188) We could generate a customer object for each customer who will shop during the day, and assign each one an appropriate checkout time.
(189) Many hotels have a card for each room to help the room clerk assign accommodations.