literally造句91 In 1st century palatine those who were lepers were literally cast out of society.
92 Literally, it is merely a bride's song of farewell, full of pathos and tenderness and deeply moving.
93 I was literally soaked to the skin and could feel rivulets chasing each other down my bosom.
94 Al Hamilton was so afraid to make his first presentations that he literally shook before they began.
96 Also unearthed - perfectly preserved examples of the food they lived off - literally hundreds of ammonites and other small sea creatures.
97 During the 1953 crisis he had operated literally as the strong arm of his father, General Zahedi.
98 You write text, you doodle, you cross things out... quite literally a tabula rasa.
99 That I took the commandments quite literally was not surprising.
100 Ever since Vogue homed in on it last December, the Wonderbra has been literally bouncing off the shelves.
101 The more literally this is interpreted the more it seems to lead into mechanistic, one-way formulations such as behaviourism.
102 Thermonuclear reactions are, quite literally, nuclear burning.
103 The lateral é lite is literally illiterate.
104 Kundalini literally means'coiling,'like a snake.
105 The rain forest was literally steaming.
106 Codex Alimentarius interprets , literally, as'food code'or'food law '.
107 The Shah took literally the Western academic doctrines.
108 It was literally gibberish to him.
109 He is literally a battering ram with those elbows.
110 Grimoire. literally. means'book of magic '. as in a medieval manuscript describing arcane rituals.
111 An oversize mass is literally carved to its intended shape.
112 If not literally, it is still embedded into an otherwise simple and modern carafe shape.
113 Greenland in the Danish official language literally means " green land. "
114 Backslashes are interpreted literally , unless they immediately precede a double quotation mark.
115 There is literally someone you can help in every street, and sometimes in every nook cranny.
116 When the gene was disabled in tiny nematode worms, their nerve cells literally broke.
117 Because she is literally nothing but skin and bone, all call her Spindle - shanks.
118 Especially with sulcata , hermann i and horsfieldii - they literally eat themselves into trouble.
119 Literally thousands of concrete dams are providing water supply shortage, irrigation, flood control, and power generation.
120 I know I'll spend time in Tennessee and mend some fences, literally and figuratively.