glance造句211. Clara's first glance of Candida Denham was through Clelia's high bedroom window.
212. Another useful feature is the price guide to London properties that tells you at a glance where you can afford to buy.
213. As we leave, I glance around to see if anyone shows more than idle curiosity.
214. Sly shot a glance at Zimmerman, who was obviously getting ready to explode.
215. His eyelashes flickered into life as he looked up again a shy, delicate glance, like a cornered deer.
216. I cast a sidelong glance, to see if she's noticed.
217. Zak flashed a glance at the crew, saw me and gave me a thumbs-up sign.
218. At first glance, he resembled a truck driver, or perhaps a mercenary soldier.
219. It inevitably is transmitted through a glance, affectionate touch, strong feelings that show.
220. Marta passes the sign without a glance, wearing military-style camouflage pants she has owned 11 years.
221. Internet email addresses might look odd at first glance but they're really quite logical.
222. She, who knew me well, understood and flashed a warning glance at me.
223. He was sitting at his desk in the study when he happened to glance up and look out the window.
224. If he attempts to talk to you, you will flick him a haughty glance and say nothing.
225. At first glance the answer to this question too seems to be in the negative.
226. He cast a furtive glance to left and to right.
227. With a glance around, Stone padded silently round to the back gardens, and approached his garage from the rear.
228. That Holy Trinity is different from most Catholic parishes is evident at a glance.
229. She was older than first glance had led Christina to believe.
230. Then he, too, turned and without a backward glance went out into the passage, slamming the door.
231. But it was the remorse of youth - intense, yet so shallow its depth is plumbed at a glance.
232. Even the wallabies, for whom bouncing around is a way of life, cast a curious glance.
233. He cast a genial glance at one of his apprentices.
234. Luckily she appeared so insignificant with all the bags that no one bothered to give her a second glance.
235. Even the most cursory glance showed me the crowd did look awfully grand.
236. There are among honey bees three reported examples that appear at first glance to qualify as cognitive trial-and-error.
237. At first glance it was much like the original, but the most severe criticisms of the original were successfully addressed.
238. He gave us a cursory glance, then resumed his watch on the highway.
239. The Lisburn event traditionally draws big names, as a glance through the previous winners list confirms.
240. She felt her toes curl, but couldn't help giving him a sharp glance.