快好知 kuaihz

91. Racial hatred has been a powerful undercurrent in the country's history. 92. Last February the tribunal agreed he had been the victim of racial discrimination. 93. Fears of further racial conflict were heightened by news of the riots. 94. The ending of the film is a cop-out-the director didn't really want to face up to the racial issues involved. 95. Declarations of racial antipathy against ethnic minorities will not be tolerated. 96. On the field, the racial barriers are coming down. 97. Is he guilty of racial discrimination? 98. How do we as a nation conceptualize racial equality? 99. The battle against racial discrimination is not over. 100. The verdict has increased racial discord in the country. 101. I can never condone coin-throwing or racial abuse. 102. Some would call it a racial divide. 103. There, politics and politicians frequently divide along racial lines. 104. Not that racial and cultural differences can not exist. 105. A lot of racial abuse and harassment goes on. 106. After he was elected in November he revealed that he been the subject of racial attacks during his campaign. 107. The attitude toward immigrants and racial minorities in this country is disgusting. 108. People we spoke to in Ross said that people involved in racial abuse were in the minority. 109. The island's strange beauty, however, was set against a background of racial and political conflict. 110. So now Clinton does Ike one better: He has created a seven-member commission to study racial issues. 111. In the 1960s this preoccupation gave way to an urgent need to consider domestic problems such as racial disharmony and poverty. 112. It is plainly true that in our society blacks have suffered discrimination immeasurably greater than any directed at other racial groups. 113. However, most sociologists would argue that systems of racial stratification have a social rather than a biological basis. 114. Our organization is trying to ease the racial problems that still cleave U.S. society. 115. Racial disharmony is what makes the news; when people get along, we don't hear about it. 116. Some critics say the prisons should hire more blacks to help curb racial abuse. 117. Who should their legislature not forbid racial discrimination on buses but permit it in restaurants? 118. Boer nationalism merely erected a massive legislative panoply for racial discrimination. 119. The law requires that racial minorities be accorded equal access to housing. 120. A consideration of these ideas fostered the recognition that the children had social, racial and cultural identities as well as disabilities.