racial造句121. In their studio, gritty Delta edges were given a smooth, appealing, urban sheen that crossed easily over racial lines.
122. He also reported that racial discrimination was endemic in the schools of employees' children.
123. Clearly, the racial problems in America have no easy answers.
124. It is precisely because of them that any progress at all has been accomplished in matters of racial discourse.
125. The company was found guilty of racial discrimination, and was ordered to renew Ms. Jayalalitha's employment contract.
126. We will support the creation by the police of new Racial attacks Squads to monitor and coordinate action against racially-motivated attacks.
127. It was, after all, 1906, a time of growing, not diminishing, racial separation everywhere else.
128. The account, I consider, is not conducive to professional or racial harmony.
129. Yet here was a view of the Earth that showed no political, racial or geographical boundaries.
130. Furthermore, that overtone was of deep concern to all colonizing nations troubled about the issue of racial contact and race mixture.
131. But others at the Tuskegee meeting cautioned against dismissing too casually possible genetic differences in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups.
132. Critics say the mayor is a bigot who is inflaming racial tensions in his city.
133. President Kennedy glossed over the racial animus in Mississippi as he let the issue die by moving on to other concerns.
134. Repetition of the violence in Memphis began in August 1866 in New Orleans when several related events culminated in a racial explosion.
135. Government complaints alleging racial discrimination in rental policies have al ready been filed in Miami and Minneapolis.
136. Congress may adopt a racial-justice amendment that would allow blacks to appeal against conviction on the ground of systematic racial bias.
137. America is a great philosopher that preaches and practices social pluralism and ethnic or racial equality – in the midst of cultural prejudice and social discrimination.Dr T.P.Chia
138. Besides its political and racial distribution, population density varied greatly.
139. Questions of peace and war, global distributive justice, gender and racial inequality, and environmental degradation concern us all.
140. Blacks responded with fresh statistics showing huge racial disparities in wealth.
141. More children growing up in a world so increasingly diverse that stock racial identities no longer hold up.
142. Twenty-six racial equality officers came to the university to enrol in classes for the first ever diploma in race and community relations.
143. With the increase came growing racial discrimination and unrest between blacks and whites.
144. Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope, where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination.Nelson Mandela
145. Political repression and racial discrimination were at a high point.
146. There is far more high-mindedness, racial tolerance and intellectual curiosity than you might expect.
147. Some ethnic minority elders may find the continuing experience of hostility and racial abuse which they experience very hard to bear.
148. The Commission for Racial Equality among others said the black makeup was demeaning to black people.
149. The Court chose not to face head-on the problem of state trespass statutes which conflicted with constitutional prohibitions against racial discrimination.
150. Other reactions have concentrated on the issue of the interplay between inner-city decay and racial disadvantage in contemporary Britain.