resistance造句1. The enemy resistance thinned out as night approached.
2. As with all new ideas it met with resistance.
3. They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.
4. Mass communication sometimes arouses resistance.
5. resistance was the City Opera House.
6. Diamonds have extreme resistance to abrasion.
7. Resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry.
8. I had never encountered such resistance before.
9. The defenders put up a strong resistance.
10. His response was one of resistance, not submission.
11. The world was electrified by his courage and resistance.
11. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
12. The no-smoking policy was introduced with little resistance from staff.
13. Following a determined resistance in the east, there was eventually a popular uprising in the capital.
14. The reduction in white blood cell counts lowers resistance to disease.
15. There has been a lot of resistance to this new law.
16. Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out.
17. Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.
18. The villagers were unable to put up any resistance to the invading troops.
19. The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police.
20. Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance.
21. The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.
22. Government troops offered no resistance .
23. Her resistance only fanned his desire.
24. Our troops encountered only token resistance.
25. Her background disinclined her from resistance.
26. Ten years of guerrilla resistance followed the occupation.
27. The resistance movement started a campaign of terror .
28. When he suggested going into business on their own, she put up only a token resistance.
29. Some people say that loneliness is shameful, but fashion is a means of resistance alone, this is fashion realm.
30. Many a night, you and the death and disease resistance, when treatment is the doctor 's arm, patrol is the relatives of the patient, monitoring health Messenger, rescue is the life guard.