resistance造句121. Water resistance: coped well with showers and persistent light rain, though some water penetrated in downpours.
122. But with every initiative, they encountered an undercurrent of resistance.
123. They want to flush out the Resistance workers and the guerrillas - as well as the deserters from their own army.
124. Chi Ma Wan inmates have been threatening violent resistance should moves be made to deport them.
125. Overcoming a natural resistance to change is a challenge faced by many companies that want to progress.
126. Internationally, the management of resistance problems will require extensive cooperation.
127. Not impossibly there was a resistance movement in the Fens, as later under William the Conqueror, and ecclesiastics became involved.
128. What was needed now was a major legislative victory that would change the atmosphere of political resentment and resistance on Capitol Hill.
129. In attempting to implement the new policy via decree, Gordon had encountered strong patient resistance.
130. Not surprisingly, such proposals often meet considerable resistance from those on whom the burden would fall.
131. It offered no resistance and Urquhart was almost thrown off balance when it slipped free.
132. And their reluctance might turn into hardened resistance if you continue to confuse the two phenomena.
133. In a vicious cycle, weight gain increases insulin resistance increases weight gain.
134. Military resistance was organized by Sidonius's brother-in-law, Ecdicius, son of the emperor Avitus.
135. The Resistance firebombed the house and daubed swastikas on the walls in a revenge attack.
136. The success of diamond in cutting silicon is a measure of diamond's extreme resistance to abrasion.
137. No army would advance into enemy territory and carelessly leave behind it important pockets of resistance.
138. We have a few difficulties at the moment because the fungus does not impart resistance to wear, particularly from heavy armoured vehicles!
139. It is emblematic of the difficulties facing those who attempt definitions in the current age of resistance to overarching defining characteristics.
140. The resistance is buttressed by dim understanding of how a decentralized approach can improve matters.
141. Black opposition leaders are arrested, a press clampdown begins and resistance is strangled.
142. But resistance which is both group-based and informal can be very difficult for management to pin down.
143. But his resistance was doomed to failure as the courtiers' position was confirmed by several royal decrees.
144. But his plan encountered resistance as soon as he got home.
145. We can no longer afford this attitude, in an age of fierce resistance to taxes.
146. The function of the forcing resistance is given more detailed consideration in Chapter 5.
147. The dogmatic resistance to entrenchment would raise its arid and pedantic head.
148. Water resistance: steady rain will penetrate but the fabric holds its own against light drizzle and dries out quickly after showers.
149. In addition to resistance, you will find a mixture of dissatisfaction, disappointment, and of course, unhappiness.
150. As well as these weather-resisting advantages, the cavity wall has greater sound and thermal insulating properties and a greater resistance to overturning.