consistent造句61) But in social time and social space we make just such distinctions and we do so in a very consistent way.
62) Obviously, too, they are policies which will take years of consistent application before they can bear fruit.
63) The most consistent feature of the Commonwealth idea, at all stages of its development, was the principle of consent.
64) The job description shall be consistent with the contractual duties laid down in this agreement.
65) The central bank yesterday said current interest rate settings are consistent with the pace of growth and prospects for inflation.
66) This is because the end is more consistent than the means.
67) Fortunately for the Cowboys, Irvin has been more consistent on the field than off.
68) This is consistent with glass technology at the time-the principal alkali used was also soda.
69) Objective probability applies to those events which have been tested previously and found to come up with consistent results.
70) It is always the case that averaging over tens of trials is necessary to give consistent results, particularly with endogenous ERPs.
71) Forbes showed consistent appeal across a wide cross-section of voters.
72) The purpose of these calculations has been to demonstrate that rising average cost is consistent with natural monopoly.
73) Playing to a consistent length is one of the basic requirements to perform to a high level.
74) A company that manufactures photocopiers obviously holds to a descriptive core belief consistent with this empirical reality.
75) Such a conclusion is fairly consistent with findings in more conventional community studies.
76) These excite detectors for letters consistent with the active features.
77) Neuroendocrine and metabolic abnormalities Disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis are the most consistent of the various endocrine abnormalities associated with anorexia nervosa.
78) How do you find a reasonable and consistent thread of explanation through this?
79) He only won once as a novice but was very consistent.
80) Summary Families with aggressive children can be helped by teaching the parents to be more consistent and effective in their control methods.
81) The goals and activities in this plan are consistent with the goals set forth in recently proposed plans for health care reform.
82) Discussion of Judgment Results Subjects appeared to make judgments which were remarkably consistent with those given when actually driving.
83) She is one of the most consistent players on the tennis circuit.
84) In this way society benefits from the most efficient means of producing wealth, consistent with the protection of non-aggregative social values.
85) It is consistent with any kind of human behaviour, and just because of that, it tells us nothing about human behaviour.
86) Such mechanisation produces very consistent results throughout the year, but the cheeses often lack the authentic flavour of handmade varieties.
87) Beyond the curriculum, the staff at Fratney works to organize the entire school in ways that are consistent with its philosophy.
88) The draftsman did not make the crimes formerly contained in those statutes consistent or create a hierarchy of offences.
89) This is consistent with the results of Herbst, McCormack and West.
90) It is quite astonishing in view of Handel's vast output quite what a consistent and imaginative composer he was.