快好知 kuaihz

241) The models are theoretically self - consistent. 242) This paper analyze the modes in rod by short -time fourier transform. The results of time- frequency analysis are consistent with the group velocity dispersion curve. 243) Howeer, medially , there is a large opacity consistent with a left lower lobe pneumonia asterisk. 244) That's a lot of things to keep consistent for a single call -- the interface, the asynchronous interface, the actual implementation, and the module file. 245) Charter value is an indicator of banks' consistent performance and an important factor inducing their risk - taking behaviors. 246) We need to establish and enforce strict capital and leverage ratio requirements, bring the shadow banking system under supervision and regulation and formulate globally consistent accounting rules. 247) NOTE Cycle time related to rejected product analysis should be consistent with determination of root cause, corrective action and monitoring the effectiveness of implementation. 248) s consistent and firm position to realize denuclearization of the Peninsula through dialogue and consultation. 249) Based on our observations, the subunit structures of haptoglobin protein conjugates are largely consistent with the known model. 249) Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 250) It is to neoconservatism's credit that this doctrine is consistent with extant work on how best to respond to the zombie menace. 251) Success i -- ore a function of consistent commonsense than it is of genius. 252) This theorem reveals that there exist undecidable propositions in a consistent formal system. 253) Construction of concrete lining at the time of the basic lofting lofting method consistent with the excavation. 254) I remember explaining to my boss one day the mechanics of investing in rental properties and the potential it has for developing passive income and a consistent cash flow. 255) MIXPAC inherently produces perfect ratio control and consistent mixing by eliminating human error. 256) The results show that the stability analysis theorem is consistent with the Liapunov stability theorem for linear systems. 257) Li Jianying was consistent in his courageous and resolute armyman style and cost his life to win peace and happiness for more people. 258) What's important for us to understand about these unreconciled , denied impulses is how they affect our ability to stay focused and take a disciplined, consistent approach to our trading. 259) EPR method is consistent with the oxalic acid etching test. 260) A second special attribute of these works is shown in stylized brushwork that harks back to Chinese line-drawing styles and reflects Sanyu's consistent preference for a simple, refined style. 261) The calculation results of scour depth and stabilization of riprap are consistent with the actual situation. 262) The REE content and chondrite nomalized patterns of the altered and mineralized rocks are largely consistent with those of the unaltered host rocks. 263) It is proposed clearly that the interaction between simazine and CAT has been verified as consistent with static quenching procedure and the quenching mechanism is related to the energy transfer. 264) Its degree spends tired feeling gently to come oneself serious and lack of power, lack of power degree and liverish activity level are consistent. 265) Available epidemiological data are consistent with a directly protective effect of vaccine against SSPE mediated by preventing measles. 266) Article 16 In calculating the depreciation of a leased asset, the lessee should adopt a depreciation policy for leased assets consistent with that for depreciable assets which are owned by the lessee. 267) By full scan of positive and negative product ions in ESI mode, the spectrum of samples was consistent with the standard spectrum of metsulfuron. 268) Susceptibility test of rice plants to hygromycin B around heading stage showed consistent results with seedling. 269) He believed in persistently advertising. Barnum understood that hit-and-miss advertising doesn't work, but a consistent message, told over and over, hits its mark. 270) These should be consistent with the methods for the development and modification of electronic documents.