immigrant造句(31) On April 29, Cahill temporarily blocked backers from collecting signatures to put the immigrant voting measure on the ballot.
(32) This price had a certain logic, being the amount of surety which each official immigrant into the country had to post.
(33) Institutionalized racism pervaded British society, and immigrant workers found themselves in unskilled jobs and with low social status.
(34) Certain immigrant communities have been documented for many years as having higher mental hospital admission rates.
(35) In the early seventies an interesting development on our operational side was the emergence of illegal immigrant running by sea.
(36) I was warned before I left not to do anything silly, like becoming an illegal immigrant, a runaway.
(37) Alpha World requires registration and asks you to become an immigrant by downloading software into your computer.
(38) The majority of immigrant workers do not have the vote.
(39) Tabel took none of these craftsmen into his workshop but employed immigrant tradesmen such as Tschudi, Kirckmann and Willbrook.
(40) Here was a gloating scheme of ingenuity, an immigrant strategy for economic survival that was taking on great possibilities.
(41) Higher-educated immigrants were less likely to resettle in states with high immigrant concentrations, the study found.
(42) Employers who use immigrant workers for high-tech jobs and others may yet face restrictions on that labor pool.
(43) Her immigrant father with his thick mustache and accent and three-piece suit would only bring her more ridicule.
(44) Even the happiest marriage, in the most fully lived immigrant life, can not entirely make up for that.
(45) The major drawback for all immigrant firms has been the difficulty in recruiting the few highly skilled key workers essential to production.
(46) Smith and Bryant could not overcome their opponents' vivid word images of immigrant families split asunder.
(47) Immigrant workers, easy scapegoats for the newly reunited country's economic ills, have been the latest victims of bigoted violence.
(48) My immigrant parents toiled night and day to make a living.
(49) The immigrant groups had the numbers, even if they didn't have control of the media or the school board.
(50) Immigrant families in the area have received threats from right-wing extremist groups.
(51) It called attention to a need for safeguards of the rights of prisoners, disabled people, women and immigrant workers.
(52) Almost all immigrant groups have faced prejudice in their new countries.
(53) In other words, any immigrant, disabled, single-parent, unemployed lesbian trombonist could get a grant for turning up.
(54) Frye saw this same commitment in some of the immigrant students in class.
(55) Such an education proves indistinguishable from life in an immigrant culture because the illuminating conflict between cultures adds this inner dialectic.
(56) Felony convictions in most instances would automatically disqualify an immigrant from obtaining citizenship.
(57) How do we get back the passion that poor immigrant children and newly freed slaves once had for education?
(58) The motivated, well-trained immigrant was not a subgroup of students but an archetype of all students.
(59) The activities of illegal immigrant vessels were as manna from heaven to the media who naturally gave them much publicity.
(60) Pete Wilson successfully transformed the image of the industrious immigrant into a military threat.